I received an email from Matilda, one of my website visitors asking me about the best work from home jobs she could do as a strapped for cash single mom. I've put together a short list of a few ideas to try out. You might also like this list.
Matilda told me that she doesn't mind me sharing her email with you. Here it is...
Dear Jim,
I'm a single mom and I struggle to make ends meet. I've always spent hours and hours every day for several years now just wasting the time away for entertainment on the internet.
Recently I stumbled into a youtube video where a young guy in his early 20s was making a fortune online doing something really simple
I have to admit that it really inspired me to look into this make money online stuff more seriously. There was something about him that told me he wasn't just making it up. He didn't show lots of money and flashy cars and big houses, he just talked for a minute or two about how he sold his first ever thing on eBay.
I remember it was just a second-hand remote control for a TV. He said that most people would have just thrown the remote control away, but he decided to see how much he could make for it if he sold it on eBay.
He didn't make a lot of money from it, in fact, it was probably a lot of effort for a tiny profit on one item. But what he did next blew my mind. He said that he got an idea to go around second-hand junk stores and buy cheap things that might sell. He just used his intuition when doing this to choose things he thought people wanted or needed.
So, he bought things cheap and sold them on eBay for a nice little profit. Anyways turns out he bought 1,000 dollars of stuff in thrift stores that most people would consider to be worthless junk. Guess how much he made from that $1,000?Go on, take a wild guess!
He actually made $7,637 back. So that was over $6,600 of pure profit with just a couple of days work on packing and listing things on eBay. I am still blown away. One of the things he sold was a "broken" hair dryer!!!
Turns out someone loved that particular hair dryer and hers had broken so her husband was looking for another to use as repairs. Ideal because the hair dryer in question was no longer available in stores.
It seems the guy's intuition paid off when he bought that broken hair dryer! I came across your site, James, and it seems like you're a straight up guy that doesn't BS people into buying rubbish programs to make money online.
I was wondering if you could give me some ideas of the best work from home jobs that I could do as a single mom (I have zero dollars to invest right now but would consider something very cheap to start next month). That is a big challenge, I know. But I think you're the guy to ask. Can you help me?
Yours Sincerely,
My Reply
Well now, Matilda, I love stories like that. I think I might just have a few ideas for you and anyone else in your position, including single dads and many others wanting to get started online. Some of these home based business ideas are extremely profitable if you really do your best.
Some of them are simple little things like clicking ads for a few cents. There's a few for you to try if you have little or no money to invest. The internet generated billions of dollars of revenue and grows each and every year. People are doing more shopping online than ever before and there are more and more internet users jumping online every second.
Wouldn't it be great to leverage this stuff online and make a real and substantial income working from home on your laptop with a cup of coffee in one hand, your mouse in the other hand and the kids playing happily in the room because they get to see their mom/dad all day every day.
It is very possible if you know what you should do. Wouldn't it be fantastic to be able to call the shots on where, when and how you build a business online. Can you make a full time income? Can you make more than a full time income? Read on for answers to those questions and many more. I hope to give you inspiration in times of economic turmoil and I hope you try at least one of these ideas.
I have my favorites and they may not be to your fancy. However there are ideas on here that I wouldn't want to do myself because they don't take my fancy. Either way, this list may grow over time so come back often to check it out if you're looking for new online business opportunities working right from the comfort and convenience of your own home.
I test what works and what doesn't, so that you don't have to fail time and time again. As with any business, making money online requires hard work and determination not to give up. So many give up that only a few are left to reap the rewards.
The ones who stick at it and learn stuff every day are the ones who become the most successful. I know several 6 and 7 figure earners who do nothing but sit at home on their computer to make money online. What makes them different to the unsuccessful ones?
Time, patience, failure, frustration, determination and more failure. Those things affect every successful entrepreneur in the online world of making money. If you're determined enough you will break through all the barriers that present themselves.
You'll learn to fix things yourself and continue on to success even when you know another barrier will present itself, it always does. but you'll get over that one too and the next and the one after that. Eventually you reach your destination and you look back and think to yourself "well, actually that wasn't so bad!"Making money online is one of those things that seems really hard until you've actually succeeded in doing so.
Making money online is one of those things that seems really hard until you've actually succeeded in doing so. It gets easier and easier as you learn what works and what doesn't work.
Table of Contents
How Do You Become One of the Successful Ones?
You stick at it. You choose what you really want to do and you work hard at it and build it daily until it becomes successful. All of these ideas will work for anyone who is determined that they work. It really is about your own mindset and your attitude.
Some online jobs here won't make a penny for months until you figure it all out. If you forget the money then the money will come more quickly. If you concentrate on money you will take a lot longer to make it. Believe me!
Who Can Do These Work From Home Jobs?
Not everyone is the same and not everyone wants to do the same thing online to make money. I'll try to cover as many people as possible so that anyone can try some of these ideas. At least one of these ideas will be good for you.
In fact you may find a few, and there's no limit to how many you choose to try all at the same time. I combine several ways in my own online business efforts because you don't want to put all your eggs in one basket, right? So, here's a list of people that will be suitable for most of these jobs listed below.
- Stay home moms (or dads, let's not be sexist here!)
- Students in full time or part time study.
- Military Veterans.
- Unemployed or Underemployed people.
- Retirees looking to supplement a measly pension.
- Nomadic types who travel the world.
- People who don't have good qualifications.
- Ex prisoners.
- Disabled people who can't work a regular job.
- People who are just tired of working for someone else.
- People who job skip because they can never find satisfaction.
- Entrepreneurs.
You could add a few more types of people to that list, I'm sure. This group includes myself and most people I can think of right now.
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Why Might You Want to Start Working From Home
The economy is bad worldwide. Jobs are hard to come by, and hard to keep. Jobs you do find don't pay enough or have you working all hours for someone else's profits and little thanks if any to you, the employee.
You may have just got out of the armed forces and you're finding it hard to get back in to civilian life. You may have been injured and can't work outside the house.
You could be an agoraphobic who can't stand leaving the house. You may be stuck at home single parent like Matilda who wrote to me.
Whatever your reasons to make money on the internet, I tried to find some for everyone and list them in one place.
My List of the Best Work From Home Jobs
Okay, I am going to start with my most favorite at number one and work down to my least favorite. Just because something is low down on the list and is less attractive to me, it does not mean that it is not perfect for you.
It could be what you've been searching for all of your life but to me it's not as cool as the top of the list. Remember, this list is MY favorite things, we all have different preferences.
The jobs at the bottom of the list can be just as profitable (if done right) as the jobs at the top. It all just depends on who you are and what you fancy doing yourself.
Affiliate Marketing is a form of making money online by selling (promoting/advertising) someone else's products or services on your own website. The good thing about affiliate marketing is that you can start very cheaply and still make lots of money.
Amazon Associates is for people who want to promote Amazon products on a website they own. Do you know how to leverage Amazon and others like Amazon to make money with affiliate marketing? The best website to find training videos, tools and even free hosting and free websites Wealthy Affiliate which is here.
Selling on Ebay (or Similar Sites)
You could do the same kind of thing as the guy in Matilda's story above. Start perhaps by finding things around your own home that you no longer require. Then move on to going to thrift stores.
You'll be spending a lot of time on ebay with listing your stuff to sell, which can be time consuming. And there are particular methods for getting your stuff seen better too.
You need to keep in mind that there will be returns to deal with. Look into those methods.
Completing Online Surveys
Online survey companies don't pay too much but are a good way to get started with an online business. I would combine online surveys with other methods of making money to maximize my profits.
You can also get referrals through your unique affiliate link to make even more money from survey sites. Paid ViewPoint is one such company and you can read about that one here.
Designing Graphics
If you're good at graphic design and like using photoshop style graphics editors then this might be a great way for you to generate online income.
Go to Fiverr.com and see what's there. Find out what people are looking for and offer your services there.
Language Translation
If you can read and write and speak a second language this is a potentially profitable idea for you. Go to google and search for online translation jobs.
You could also consider teaching English for example to those who are learners of English as a second language. I've been teaching English for the last 14 years but not the online method. Checkout Google for online English teaching jobs.
Programmers of any kind using any programming language are usually in high demand. Everything these days seems to be online so that means programmers are very useful. If you know a thing or two about programming you can offer your services as a programmer. Find these jobs online at places like fiverr.com.
Data Entry
Data Entry requires accuracy and speed. If you're accurate and fast with a computer you could find related work online that you can do at home. Many people and many companies are looking for people to complete small jobs online from their own homes. Again, google is your friend here, as is Fiverr.
Writing Ebooks
You could author your own ebooks and sell them on Amazon Kindle or any other ebook resource, maybe your own website?
What kind of ebooks could you write? Well, it's always better to stick to the topics you know about. Maybe you're a chef and you have lots of your own recipes, you could write a cookery ebook.
It is best to have your own website for that if you want to take 100% of the profits instead of a percentage from Amazon.
Sell Hand Made Goods
If you're an avid creator of arts and crafts and you believe you have a particular talent then there are people out there who are willing to pay good money for your items. Etsy is a great place to get started with that.
Making Youtube Videos
Youtube pays people who have youtube channels and lots of viewers for the videos on those channels. You could start a youtube channel in a niche you know about.
A niche is a topic, an example being dog training techniques or how to get six pack abs or weight loss. You'll need a gmail account to create your own channel on youtube.
It's not difficult and takes minutes.
Flipping Websites
Website flipping is like the offline world of property flipping. With property flipping you buy a beat up old house and renovate it and then sell it for a big profit.Websites can be handled in the same way.
Buy a beat up old website, refresh it using your own talents and sell it for a profit before moving on to another website to flip.
Flippa is the ideal place to start looking for cheap websites to buy and renovate.Alternatively you could get a free website by creating a
Alternatively you could get a free website by creating a free account with Wealthy Affiliate here. (They also provide hosting and training videos)
PTC Websites
This is clicking on ads and getting rewarded for it. I wrote an overview of ClixSense to show the simplicity of that, but it doesn't make you a fortune. ClixSense is just one of many PTC sites where you get paid to look at ads.
Combine a few of these sites together to multiply your income because you don't get too many ads to view per day on any one particular site.
In fact, I'm looking at my ClixSense account right now and it says I have 24 ads to look at for today so far.
You might be spending about an hour a day on these sites to generate some pennies. You can substantially increase your earnings by using your special affiliate link to get referrals and be given a commission as a reward.
Is There Anything On This List That Suits You?
You could maybe do one or a few of these things from the comfort of your own home. You could do any of them part time or full time. You could choose just one of them and really work at it hard and make a fortune. If you have any other great ideas to add to this list please let me know in the comments section below.
Thanks for reading my shortlist of the best work from home jobs for 2016. Hopefully you've gained a few inspirational ideas here today and whatever route you choose online, good luck and I hope you make a fortune doing whatever it is you love doing.
Read more about Jim here.
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Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away… Jim got a chronic case of sciatica and lost his job. However, Jim used this opportunity to learn how to build websites with WordPress and then to make money online. Jim wants to help you do the same, while helping you to avoid the plethora of scams. Let Jim help you earn your first $1000 online from home. Cheers and see you soon!
Hey James. What an informative article. I was struggling whether work from home or not. I am a University student and I am know Year 2. I don’t have prior experience that working online. Should I start working online?
I want to create a decent income before graduate. Is that possible to make over $5,000 per month by working from home?
Hello there Cyril,
To reach that level of success is indeed more than possible, but it takes hard work and determination, I won’t kid you around. This is a serious business, it is a matter of financial importance when considering studies versus making money online. Both of these paths of life contain a lot of learning, so I would recommend that you do both, if you can.
But let me say this, will the job you get after all that study pay you more than $5000 a month? More than $10,000 a month? I know affiliate marketing can and does for many who are serious about it. It is not a game to be taken lightly.
If you decide that you want to learn how to make money online then I highly recommend you join the Wealthy Affiliate through my link and I will assist you. I also recommend that you continue with your studies, at least until you achieve the level of success that would replace the salary of a full time job. Best to be safe, right?