There are so many scams online it's hard to pick out the good stuff. But how about K Money Mastery 2.0? I wish I'd taken a more serious look at this when I first found it on the internet. What is it and how does it work?
Well, it's not bad at all!
But can you make a 6 figure income doing this?
Maybe…just maybe!
The first iteration of K Money Mastery was very, very popular, so much so that Stefan Pylarinos, the creator and owner of this product worked hard on a new improved version of the training system which teaches you how to make money selling ebooks on the Amazon Kindle platform.
So, is K Money Mastery 2 the big improvement that everyone hoped for? Let's find out!
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Table of Contents
How About K Money Mastery 2.0?
I discovered this system to make money on Kindle ebooks a while back but I passed up the opportunity because I thought it was a big scam. So, what is K Money Mastery 2.0 and what are the claims?
I wish I hadn't skipped over it before now because it isn't a scam, after all. But you do have to put the effort in to make it work for you.
What is K Money Mastery 2.0?
It's a system of outsourcing the writing of Kindle books and getting them published on Amazon. Kindle books are selling in larger volumes than traditional books and that trend doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon.
Ebooks are Green (and Evergreen!)
The great thing about ebooks is that they are instantly deliverable to the customer over the internet. You buy it from Amazon and boom, there it is downloaded to your device. This is the way to go, it also is greener on the environment, wouldn't you agree?
Think of how many trees are saved because of ebooks! I checked K Money Mastery 2.0 out more recently and so far I love it.
The training is really good and it shows you how to outsource most of the work so you don't even have to design covers for the books and you don't have to even write them either.
How cool is that?
K Money Mastery 2 Review
K Money Mastery 2 is Pretty Cool
What K Money Mastery 2.0 does is teach you all about how to publish ebooks on the Amazon Kindle publishing platform. It's a great way of building a passive income from the comfort of your own home. K Money Mastery 2.0 isn't a scam and it does work. I like it a lot!
See The Latest Details of K Money Mastery 2
Detailed Video Tutorials
There Was Something I didn't like About K Money Mastery!
Let's get the negative out of the way first because there's plenty of good things about K Money Mastery 2.0 that I think are incredible.
Something I didn't like, is that Stefan Pylarinos suggests getting non-native English speakers to write the books for you because they're cheaper to employ.
They live in foreign countries where the cost of living is cheaper, so they'll do the work for a couple of dollars an hour if you shop about and that's great!
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But what about the quality of writing? That's important to me. He doesn't insist you do this, he just suggests. Quality over quantity matters to me, though. How about you?
I'm not against helping someone out in a bad economy but I want a decent level of English in my books. You might want to think about outsourcing to a native English speaker, which will cost more. But in the long run, you will make more because the quality of writing will help to sell the books on Amazon's platform.
You should consider this as an option you might want to choose.
PDF Worksheets for the Lessons
Outsourcing the Writing
You can find many a writer online at places like,, and Stefan outlines all of this in his detailed training. You will obviously have to pay a bit more if you want a native English speaking copywriter to write a book for you. But I think it's a wise investment that will improve the overall quality of your ebooks.
I suggest not using only one writer for all of your books but that instead try a few out and see who is the best. You could then decide to whittle your writers down to the best ones to use every time. This way you're going to get good quality and as you get to know your writer(s) you can rely on them more and more and build your business faster.
How to outsource to the likes of Fiverr and Upwork
Outsourcing the Book Covers
Equally as important is the design of your book covers. You want a nice design that is eye catching to people surfing Amazon looking for ebooks they want to buy.
Eye-catching designs are going to sell much more quickly than a bland one would. There are many other factors to think about too, such as keywords to use and what types of books will sell well.
Can You Really Generate a Passive Income with K Money Mastery?
You can if you follow the training to the letter. My only suggestion when following the training is to get a better writer than a non-native English speaker. This is up to you. You could always edit the books to improve the grammar yourself.
What About that 6 Figure Income?
I wouldn't set your expectations too high at the beginning. It will take time for you to make big money as all real opportunities do. I suggest starting off small with maybe 2 or 3 books before you scale up.
I also suggest using all profits you make to reinvest in more outsourcing of books. This will eventually build your income to a better level and faster than if you blow every penny you make.
Be smart! Hold off on the rewards until you can sustain a good residual income with your Kindle ebooks.
Some of the materials included
K Money Mastery is Step by Step
Just about every step can be outsourced to other people but I strongly suggest you really learn how each step is done for yourself. This will give you a deeper understanding of all that is involved when publishing your own books on Amazon Kindle.
A deeper understanding of the steps needed will enable you to outsource more efficiently. You will see the benefits to this once you've completed the training and done everything by yourself. When you're up and running with Kindle Money Mastery you will find that passive income can be attained with lots of dedication and hard work in the initial stages.
Passive income isn't really as passive as many would have you believe because there is always that initial work involved. Don't believe the hype! Here's why I believe passive income isn't really 100% passive.
Stefan gives you access to his own personal tool box
K Money Mastery 2.0 Pros
You will get in-depth training that covers all you need to know about publishing Kindle ebooks on Amazon. Outsourcing the work means you don't have to sweat too much. You can make decent money if you do it right.
K Money Mastery 2.0 Cons
There's only one con in my book and that's the suggestions to outsource to non-native speakers in countries such as the Philippines. I'd have preferred to be shown more about how to get good native English speakers rather than going for the cheapest non-natives that often make grammatical errors that will devalue the quality of your books.
It's not a deal breaker in my opinion, though, just a small pet peeve that irked me.
K Money Mastery 2.0 Training Works – If You Take Action!
It does what it says on the tin, I can't argue with that. But the thing is, it only does what it says it does if you actually do the work and that means learning the ropes. The training is packed full of useful tips and techniques to improve every aspect of publishing your ebooks.
If you feel like you'd rather publish books that you wrote yourself, then that's obviously an option to save a bit of money in the short term. That will take longer, though, that's the whole point of outsourcing and getting stuff done on your behalf.
It costs money but is a wise investment because it frees up your time for other nitty gritty you might want to be getting on with. Quite some time after writing this review I discovered another product that claims to teach the same stuff as K Money Mastery.
It isn't nearly as good as Stefan's offering, though. Read about Passive Kindle Profits here.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
My Conclusion of K Money Mastery 2.0
Highly recommended if you're serious and you are willing to put in the proper time and effort. But NOT recommended if you go at it half-hearted. Don't waste your time on it unless you really want it to work.
Thanks for reading about K Money Mastery 2.0. I hope you learned enough to make a decision on this method of making money on the internet.
If this way to earn online is NOT what you had in mind, there are plenty of others and you can see some of them if you read this post which covers 15 ways to make money online.
See The Latest Details of K Money Mastery 2
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Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away… Jim got a chronic case of sciatica and lost his job. However, Jim used this opportunity to learn how to build websites with WordPress and then to make money online. Jim wants to help you do the same, while helping you to avoid the plethora of scams. Let Jim help you earn your first $1000 online from home. Cheers and see you soon!
Hey James, I agree with your opinion on non-English speakers writing for less money. But also my opinion here is not appreciating someone’s work as well. I mean, I will most likely spend more time on creating one page than you will, since my English is more like English (Serbian-English) Lol, and I wouldn’t accept to be paid cheap if you know what I mean. That’s why I agree with what you said about keeping it on the perfect level.
Hey Sunny,
Your English is near perfect. I would hire you to write an eBook for me because I’d only have to correct a few simple mistakes.
Thanks for dropping in today…
I’ve never actually bought K Money Mastery myself, but I did write a blog post about it on my website. I wanted to take a thorough look at it while stopping short of actually buying it so I could assess whether it is actually worth getting. In the end, I gave it a rating of “Okay” because I thought it looked like it had both positives and negatives about it.
The positive is that it looks like this could actually be a genuinely legitimate way to make money. It makes perfect sense. Write ebooks on topics that people are searching for, then when people search for books on these topics, they will see your ebooks that are priced quite low because there are none of the publishing costs associated with traditional printed books.
I can totally see that if this is done on a large scale, eventually it could lead to some good income.
On the downside, I am suspicious that is so easy to outsource all the writing at a low cost. I read a review on a website called One More Cup of Coffee, the owner of which has a lot of experience of hiring writers. He says, quite rightly, that quality writers come at a price. If you pay someone a small amount on Fiverr to write your ebook, it’s not going to be the best quality. So this could lead to complaints on Amazon if people are disappointed with the quality of the books.
So it looks like this is a method which may take some time to build up. You will probably have to start by doing everything yourself, and then only outsource various aspects of the job to other people once you can afford to do so. In that way, it’s really no different from any other online business. At first, you have no money so you have to do it all yourself. The only difference here is that it involves Kindle ebooks, which I think is a legitimate approach.
Yes that’s the system I approve of with any business if you don’t have heaps of money to start off with. Reinvesting profits to build further. I believe the term is called “bootstrapping” and can be slow, but rewarding at the same time.
It might indeed be worth hiring only the best writers and not from fiverr. Sure, there may be some top notch writers at fiverr whose writing quality is above average, but you would have to dig for them and probably wait until they have a clear schedule to fit you in.
I think that K money mastery 2.0 owner, Stephan, Should emphasise this a lot more in his trainings instead of telling people what they want to hear. Smart people, though, will work this out for themselves. I recommend K Money Mastery only to those willing to put in 100% effort to make it work, and they should perhaps put all other things on the back burner so they can focus their efforts. Spreading oneself too thin in any new business exploit is not going to work.
Thanks for dropping in Marcus!
Hey James, Nice review on K Money Mastery. I actually like Stephan I follow some of his training on Project life Mastery and yes it is very true, you have to put in the work. Love K Money Mastery
Thank-you Rachael,
K Money Mastery 2 is better than the first version. A lot of improvements were made on an already good system. Glad you liked the review. Pop back any time you like!