Welcome to my review of the Norwex MLM business opportunity! I'm speculating that you've noticed folks posting Norwex related stuff on Facebook or other social media or somebody has mentioned this company to you in person.
Perhaps you've even been introduced to Norwex and their products at a home party hosted by a friend or a relative?
Those telling you about Norwex might be recommending you join their MLM business as part of their own downline – so you can care more for your family's well-being and even make some money with Norwex as well as living a healthier life yourself.
Who wouldn't want those things?
I should say that you're on the right track and I applaud you for that.
I'm applauding you for taking as much time as needed to do your due diligence before getting tied up with any apparently “fantastic” business opportunity.
That's the best approach if you want to stay away from dodgy business opportunities and find legitimate methods to earn money.
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Taking care of your home and family's health is a priority for most people.
Incidentally, I'm not saying Norwex isn't legitimate. They do have some good products if you're looking to buy some.
Be that as it may, my recommendation to you is to avoid this organization because their type of business is not that good when you think long-term.
I'm not talking about the products themselves, I'm speaking of the business opportunity they offer.
The business model employed by Norwex is the MLM one. Multi-level-Marketing isn't a good way to earn money for many reasons.
I would say that 99% of MLM companies are a scam.
You have to recruit and sell, recruit and sell, over and over again. You have to nag friends, colleagues, family, neighbors, and strangers for them to get involved with the same MLM you're trying to pitch.
MLM companies have a terrible reputation because of the typically low-quality products and their awful business practices which lead to many people losing the respect of their own families and friends because they get tired of you pushing your product and company on them.
MLM is often high-pressure sales-type stuff and done a lot in so-called “parties” or meetings. You'll have to explain (sell) the benefits of the product and the company. You will have to recruit more and more people and get them in your downline. Most alarmingly, it's feasible for you to lose significantly more cash than you can make with an MLM opportunity.
Allow me to show you why I say this…
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Table of Contents
The History of Norwex
Norwex is an environmentally-friendly company specializing in home cleaning products as well as personal care products that allegedly contain “fewer” chemicals than the regular products we take for granted.
A Norwegian chap, Bjørn Nicolaisen, created this company in Norway in 1994.
In the beginning, Bjorn Nicolaisen established Norwex after he found that he could use a special microfiber fabric that was good at cleaning his windshield on his car while only using water.
He built up a whole rundown of family items that could adequately clean without containing any artificial compounds, and Norwex was conceived.
To put it plainly, Norwex is a Multi-Level Marketing organization selling substance-free household cleaning goods.
A while later, Bjorn’s company grew to include personal hygiene products also.
Norwex Product offering
Norwex has a huge inventory of items like kitchen towels, washroom cleaner, laundry cleaners, and even dental hygiene, antiperspirant, and so on…
So they've branched out a bit since Norwex's inception in 1994.
Norwex probably has every type of personal hygiene or household cleaning product you can think of.
The contrast between their items and other companies is that they underscore on dispensing with the utilization of unsafe synthetic concoctions.
So, their overall business goal is to:
Improve personal satisfaction by profoundly reducing any products with synthetic concoctions in everyone's homes.
And that's a good thing, isn't it?
But is it true?
I've come across some intriguing evidence to show you otherwise in a moment.
Let’s investigate their main product first – The famous micro-silver fabric they named “EnviroCloth”.
Norwex asserted that its anti-bacterial fibers can absorb dirt, germs, and other unpleasant stuff where other traditional cloth or sponge products would, for the most part, need chemicals added to get rid of.
The claim is you only need water to clean with Norwex's special cloth (which incidentally will cost a lot more than a regular cloth or sponge).
It truly seems like the ideal way to do things if you're against using chemicals, however, this so-called wonder cloth isn't all it's cracked up to be.
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This Image from Suzanne Holt ’s Website Claims Norwex’s Cloth is Better

Image sourced from https://healthyhomecleaning.com/real-truth-about-norwex-microfiber/
Suzanne Holt is a senior vice president sales leader for Norwex, and of course, that means she has nothing but praise for Norwex products.
You wouldn't have a job at microsoft for long if you said microsoft products are a load of rubbish.
I concur that Norwex has some one-of-a-kind and helpful items to be sold. I commend them for trying to reduce chemicals both in the home and in or on our bodies.
Right now, Norwex seems to be a legitimate enough company with ethical products.
Go ahead and buy Norwex products but I don't recommend becoming a member of their MLM business model to earn money.
That’s a different kettle of fish.
The Norwex MLM Business Opportunity – Is it a Scam?
Like I mentioned already, MLM isn’t a great way to keep friends and family. You’ll annoy everyone with your constant sales pitches.
It’s not worth alienating the very family you’re trying to earn money for by trying to persuade them about the business opportunity that you want them to get involved in.
There are many other better ways of earning a living.
I would say the same negative things about any MLM style business, regardless of how good their product line is. It’s just not a sustainable business model at all.
Multi-Level Marketing sucks, to be quite blunt with you. If you disagree, comment below and tell me why you think otherwise.
Shall We Investigate Their Pay Plan?
I truly don't suggest Norwex as a business opportunity for yourself or anyone you know, since the main way you'll have to operate is by sorting out “Home Gatherings” to sell the products themselves and to recruit a downline as well.
It's the home gatherings that would bother me the most.
There's nothing amiss with sorting out home meetings like this and it can work if you're good at that kind of thing.
Yet, it's unquestionably not for everybody and it is a technique filled with difficulties.
Inevitably, you'll come up short on relatives and friends to get into your home parties or “sales pitch meetings” as I like to think of them.
What's more, to be completely honest with you, a home party is only an extravagant term to depict this type of product selling exhibit.
Fundamentally, what you'll be doing is to show to your invitees how ground-breaking Norwex's items are, and attempt to enlist them to your downline or sell them your items.
Good at Selling Stuff? You'd Better Be!
Now just picture yourself cleaning things to show your party visitors how awesome Norwex products are.
How viable do you think this is going to be in the long term?
It's a significant matter you'll have to think about.
Norwex doesn't give you much in regards to training and resources on the different ways of running this MLM business.
For example, how do you promote Norwex online?
Anyway, here are some straight realities about Norwex's payment plan:
You Have to Cough Up $200 to Get The Starter Kit
To be a consultant so you can start running this business as a sales representative, you need to pay $200 to get the starter pack.
So, you have to PAY money to work for Norwex. That's a bit scammy if you ask me.
But let's keep an open mind, shall we?
Can You Make Money with Norwex?
The starter pack contains training and advertising materials to assist you with getting set up.
As an expert, you make 35% commissions on your retail deals.
That sounds quite reasonable.
From every deal you bring in for Norwex, you'll be given a commission, however, you'll additionally get a discount on the next group of items you have to buy.
I'm not going to delve too deeply into all of the subtleties of the Norwex MLM business model. It gives me a headache. And it might give you a headache, too.
Some people might be well-suited to multi-level marketing, but I just don't like it. It's too much pressure.
I've included a screenshot of the PDF to reference the minimum requirements to be a sales consultant. As you can see, it's quite demanding.

In case you're intrigued, if it's something you simply have to know, you can see their video below or even read their payment plan PDF.
Additionally, if you're looking for an FAQ on Norwex, go here.
In the video I’ve included, you’ll learn how much you’ll earn with Norwex as a consultant.
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What I Like About Norwex
1. They have guarantees on their products
On the off-chance that you feel inclined to do some more research about their product lines, you'll see that they have a good reputation and a lot of positive reviews.
Aside from the decent quality products, you're additionally secured with a 60-Day money-back guarantee.
Additionally, there's a 2-year microfiber guarantee which covers any issue you may experience outside of typical usage.
This is additionally why their items, particularly their micro-fiber fabrics are so well-known and generally recommended.
2. Norwex Aims to Reduce The Use of Chemicals
I really like this aspect of Norwex. There's nothing that says “scam” to me if a company is trying to reduce chemicals in the home and in personal care products.
3. There are Some Good Products in Norwex’s Collection
Unlike some really “deceitful” MLM opportunities, Norwex doesn't concentrate on enrolling as their primary source of business growth.
Rather, they are viewed as a product-centric business. Some of the products are indeed good quality.
The beneficial thing about this is it will never be in jeopardy of being labeled as a pyramid/Ponzi scheme business model.
The Definition of Multi-Level Marketing According to WikiPedia
This is based on the fact that a fraudulent business model is a model that only cares about enrolling more people into their downline.
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What I DON'T Like About Norwex
1. Not Straightforward
You can't easily discover any disclosures of income or remuneration plan archives on Norwex's site.
These are basic records to have for most MLM opportunities.
I don't know why they don't but I'm rather worried about that aspect. Are they deliberately hiding something?
2. Very Demanding Commission Structure
To remain profitable, you have to sell $250 worth of items regularly. If for any reason you become inactive, you'll be charged an expense to reactivate your account.
Furthermore, following a year without deals, you're never again considered to be one of the consultants.
Norwex MLM is high-pressure sales. Do you want to get into all of that? I dunno, maybe you love stress! At the end of the day, they're giving you a load of hassle to make deals which is downright awful. This will inevitably end up with you having a problem with stockpiling products.
Oh yes!
Imagine your spare bedroom stacked to the ceiling with unsold products, and then suffering the indignity of being asked by those above you in your upline to buy the products you've stockpiled to keep up with quotas and whatnot.
It becomes increasingly more difficult to continue with this business model unless you're a superstar salesperson. What's more, this continuous circle of failure and inability to sell your quotas just to remain active will take its toll on you.
Accumulating is one of the primary reasons why most MLM opportunists battle with a multi-level marketing business model.
Many will venture into the red as opposed to making their dream business opportunity work out as expected as a result of accumulating all of those unsold products and being pressured by your upline to get off your backside and sell more.
I won’t even mention you’ll probably cause many an argument with family and friends. This is downright terrible! It is a potential issue you have to think hard about. It makes me squirm just thinking about it. Imagine if you have to live like that. It's a nightmare business model, not a dream.
There are better ways to put food on the dinner table, I can assure you. More on which way I recommend a little later. But right now, let’s take a look at some more of the negatives of Norwex and their MLM opportunity. The same may be said about most other MLM businesses, too.
3. Obsolete Selling Techniques
I have to touch again upon the “home party” business model which is the only model they teach you, from what I can find out. Arranging these so-called home parties is the main way they educate you to maintain this MLM business you're getting yourself embroiled in.
Let me list some potential issues for you:
Your intended interest group is just your friends and family and perhaps the odd colleague or two from your regular job if you have one. Who else would take you up on your invite to your home to watch your cleaning demonstrations?
You'll run out of people to invite sooner rather than later. What next? Traveling to hotels and conference halls miles from home? Your guess is as good as mine.
What's more, you've invited aren't guaranteed to buy anything even if they do turn up to your “party”. This just is not a sustainable business model, in my opinion. If I'm wrong, comment and tell me why I'm wrong.
But if you turn to the internet you can do a lot better. Your “audience” is now global. Norwex fanatics will tell you about how you can get your very own consultant site for about $10 per month.
Be that as it may, brace yourself for what I'm about to tell you…
Various MLM companies are starting to give you a website with the objective that you can sell your things on the internet. Unless you're already knowledgeable about internet marketing, it's inconceivable for you to get many results (if any) with these pre-fabricated sites unless you know how to get a ton of website traffic.
This clarification is essential:
These are just cloned websites. It's incomprehensible for them to rank in Google and get targeted traffic from the search engines. Google doesn’t like duplicate content. It won’t rank high at all. So unless you get one of those cloned sites and start adding a lot of optimized unique content, you’re not going to get visitors to it anyways.
So what’s the point of that? It’s like having a cardboard cut-out car. Looks good but it’s of no use. You can’t drive the thing. You have to rely on social media or paid traffic to see limited results.
Paid traffic isn't the best because it can cost you hundreds and thousands of dollars and a whole lot of testing and tweaking for paid ad campaigns to become profitable. That is really why things are not working out for certain people who don't know what they're doing, which is a sad thing to see.
4. Cost of The Norwex Starter Kit is $200
The biggest issue I am concerned about is that they're not all that transparent about the cost of their starter pack. On the Norwex website, it says you can get the startup kit at zero cost. In any case, they do not make the real pre-requisites easily known to you. (read the small print guys!)
For you to get the starter kit for zero dollars you must achieve at least $2,000 in your sales inside the initial 90 days! Can you sell $2000 worth of anything in 3 months?
If not, you'll be charged $200 for the starter pack.You might be okay with this if you're happy to pay for the goods that Norwex sent you. Perhaps you need or want those cleaning supplies anyway.
I don't know about you, but that leaves a really bad taste in my mouth! Just one more reason to beware of this MLM “opportunity.” It feels like a big trick to suck you into their downline. I cannot condone this kind of marketing trick.
Did I say I don’t like MLM?
5. Bogus Information
Norwex claims that their microfiber items can get rid of up to 99% of microscopic organisms from surfaces when the material has been made wet with only water. I've discovered it's only good at getting rid of dust, stains, crumbs and so on.
As far as anti-bacterial properties go, some folks who have done laboratory testing claim that the cases aren't valid. To my mind, you cannot remove microscopic bacteria with just water and a microfiber cleaning cloth.
Even though the fibers are itsy bitsy in size, they'd have to be a whole lot smaller to physically pick up bacteria. Bacteria can be stubborn. You might think you've scooped them all up, but you're likely to have left a lot behind, even when using chemicals.
Have you noticed some chemicals claim they destroy up to 99.9% of germs? Well, if you ask me if a potent bleach cannot remove 100% of germs, then how the heck is a cloth supposed to do it with just water added?
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Is Norwex a Scam or Pyramid Scheme?
I'm not saying Norwex products themselves are a scam. They do have a lot of good stuff.
I just don't like some of the overzealous claims some companies make when trying to sell their “superior” products.
The way that their business is structured proves that Norwex itself is not a scam like so many other pyramid schemes (Ponzi schemes) that pose as MLM businesses.
But in spite of having some genuinely good products, Norwex is truly not the most ideal way one can profit if you join their business.
Let me condense the issues for you into a few easy to digest words:
- High startup cost ($200) if you don't sell $2000 of product in 3 months
- Restrictive and obsolete strategy to sell items (Home Gatherings)
- High pressure on you to sell
- Potential of stockpiling issue
- Not a maintainable method to profit
To put it plainly, my decision for Norwex is this…
“Fairly decent products but Norwex is not a brilliant business opportunity!”
~ Jim Wright
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Have I put you off MLM for life now?
Good. We're getting somewhere!
If you're searching for a way better method to make money, give affiliate marketing a shot.
I make money online with affiliate marketing. Let me explain why it’s much better than any MLM opportunity you’ll ever see.
- You don’t have to pressure friends and family to buy anything
- Affiliate Marketing has a very low startup cost compared to MLM
- You don’t have to have home parties or meetings anywhere
- You don't have to deal with customer issues, refunds, queries, or support
- You don't have to recruit people into your downline
- You don't have to put pressure on people to buy from you
- You have a GLOBAL audience, not just a small local one
- You have no upline or boss giving you stress to sell more
- You work when I want to or take a break when you want
- You work where I want, like at home or anywhere with internet access
- You can wake up at any time you like and go to bed late if you want
- You don’t need to talk to anyone personally on a phone or in-person
- You choose what niche you like
- You choose only the products you want to sell
- You can make up to 100% commissions for selling something
- You can earn recurring monthly commissions for years from one sale
- There is unlimited earning potential, 6 figures, 7 figures, even more
- You get to spend unlimited quality time with your family
- You don’t have to commute in heavy traffic
- You WANT to jump out of bed every morning and you WANT to work
- You‘re your own boss, and you make all your own decisions
- You make your money by reviewing products online
- You don't have to buy products to review them and make money
- It's fun and liberating when you learn how to earn money online
- You don't have to stock products, because you promote other people's products.
- Many, many more benefits…
So, there you have it. Norwex may have some good products but their business model (MLM) is not something I would recommend. Sorry, Norwex, if you're reading, but it’s my honest opinion and I’m sticking to it.
Perhaps Norwex would get more people aboard their MLM opportunity if they did away with the sneaky $200 starter kit thing where people aren't made aware that they only get it for free if they achieve $2000 sales in 3 months?
That is going to be hard, especially for newbies. Overall, I'd say that Norwex is perfectly legitimate but not entirely transparent in their business opportunity. If you’d like to get started in affiliate marketing then I have something very special lined up for you.
What if you could join a community full of successful affiliate marketers and entrepreneurs who can help you out with earning online? What if you could get all the training and tools you need to succeed with affiliate marketing?
What if I told you that you can get started completely free? Would that tickle you pink?
If you’d like to give affiliate marketing a shot, read my Wealthy Affiliate Review and try out their amazing training platform without paying a dime.
My name’s Jim. I’ve been in the affiliate marketing “game” for 5 years now and it’s seriously the best career choice I’ve ever made. I'm stoked I found out how to earn money with affiliate marketing.
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Thanks for reading my Norwex review.
If you’d like to learn more about me, you can visit this page about me here.
What do you think of Norwex's MLM opportunity? Are you a member of the Norwex MLM scheme? Have you had a lot of luck with them? Do you feel stressed out because you're not making enough sales? Let me know in the comments below about your experience with Norwex.
Take care and good luck with whatever business opportunity you try out. I hope you succeed.
PS. Be sure to check out my other MLM reviews. Coming down the pipeling are Arbonne, Amway, Limelife, Herbalife, Monat, doTerra and more.

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away… Jim got a chronic case of sciatica and lost his job. However, Jim used this opportunity to learn how to build websites with WordPress and then to make money online. Jim wants to help you do the same, while helping you to avoid the plethora of scams. Let Jim help you earn your first $1000 online from home. Cheers and see you soon!
I have never become involved with MLM, maybe because I’m probably too introverted to succeed with face-to-face selling. Nevertheless, it’s interesting to see how they operate (I’m assuming that they all more-or-less operate like Norwex does?).
Thanks for this review. I could tell fairly early on that this business model is not for me.
Hi Frank. Yes, MLM schemes all have one thing in common, that’s the multi-level marketing component. It’s not something I’d like to be involved in myself. However, there are good MLMs and bad MLMs. Personally, I’m like you in that I don’t want to deal with people in person. That in itself puts limitations on the growth of your business. Why not talk to multiples of people all in one go, and just once? That’s affiliate marketing. You create content such as a review and you tell people about something you recommend (or don’t recommend). You do this on your own website, you call the shots, you decide what you sell/don’t sell, and you never have to deal with a single customer or boss. There’s no meetups, and so many other benefits to affiliate marketing. Take a look at my Wealthy Affiliate review if you want to learn more about how I got started online.
Are there any MLM companies you’d like me to review? Drop your suggestions in the comments below.