Is Opinion Outpost legit or a scam? That's what we aim to find out in today's review post. Someone asked me about this survey site so I decided to (not) have a look to see whether it was worth adding to my list of good or bad stuff. In fact, shhhhh!
Don't tell anyone, but I didn't even think about looking! Why? I'll tell you later on, just keep reading and you'll find out why I didn't want to waste my time.
Is Opinion Outpost Legit or a Scam?
In general, I hate survey sites.
Well, let me tell you of some bad experiences I've had with survey sites to set the mood before I get into this specific site. Really negative things have happened to me when I tried a lot of other survey sites.
I want to advise you to avoid them. I can't even remember the names of them now because I tried them out a few years ago before I started writing blog posts. Despite not remembering them I'd like to forewarn you of the waste of time you might experience with survey sites on the internet these days.
Forget Scammy Survey Sites That Rip You Off, Waste Your Time, and Invade Your Privacy...They Suck!
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What Happened, Jim?
Well, like I said, I cannot remember, I know it was two separate and unrelated sites and I know what the results of my experiences were. Those results are what turn me right off survey sites these days and I don't recommend them to anyone unless I am 100% sure they'll not be messed about.
And What Happened with That One?
One site, in particular, promised 10 cents per 10 questions answered. I didn't get my ten cents, I got 3 cents instead. Many months I clicked away and answered all kinds of dumb questions like "do you prefer this shampoo or that shampoo?"
And then What?
Needless to say, I went off that site quickly and I never did make enough money to cash out because there was a minimum of $25.
Now, let's do the math here.
I was getting 10 questions per day if I was lucky, which took only about 3 minutes. But still, I had to log in and wait for things to load and answer stupid questions.
If only!
If it had been an honest case of getting 10 cents per 10 questions I wouldn't have minded so much because it said 10c on the tin and that's what I expected.
After about 4 months of logging in daily and some days not being given a survey to complete, I checked the balance.
I realized that I was still getting only 3 cents per day (I gullibly thought it might have gone up to the full rate as time passed by.)
I think the grand total was about $3.12. That sucks, right?
So, there's just my first experience. $3.12 that I couldn't even cash out and it took me weeks and weeks to achieve that. SCAM!
Let's move on to the next experience I had with paid online surveys.
What happened with the next survey site, Jim?
A similar situation, they weren't underpaying me, no...rather than that, they let me complete about half of a survey which took a good 15 minutes.
Then a pop-up window would open to tell me that I was not qualified to complete the survey.
I wasted 15 minutes of my life, many times, on half surveys that I didn't qualify for and I was never paid a dime for them. This went on about 2 weeks.
After my previous experience with my first attempt at survey sites, you can bet that I didn't continue. I was livid every time.
So what is the moral of this story? Don't be a fool.
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What's the moral, Jim?
Don't do survey sites is my moral. They all suck, in my opinion. Survey sites rip you off. And not to mention, they learn too many details about you as well!
I hate them and I want everyone to know the tricks they can play to dupe you into completing surveys (which is market research for them by the way.) Don't do it, guys! Stick to the good stuff.
You can trust what is on this site. If I say it's bad it is because I have had personal experiences of it being bad.
Some stuff takes time but you can make a lot of money when you master it and some things work more quickly but they don't make a lot of money, such as PTC (paid to click) and you can read about one such site here.
That's one of the better PTC sites I have experience with. Recommended if PTC is your cup of tea.
I'm glad, really!
How could I be glad that I was scammed?
Well, it taught me a few things and the lesson was very cheap. It taught me, in my more naive days, that not everything online is legitimate.
Not all websites tell the truth. There are about 25 scams to every legitimate deal online.
That means you could easily get scammed 24 times before finding one good thing that works. Imagine that!
Costly, time-consuming and by the time you reach number 25 you've had enough and you don't believe in anything.
You give up the idea of earning online completely.
Why I was lucky!
I was very lucky because I only tried a couple of things before discovering some things that do actually work. I didn't have to go through 25 things to find a good one.
I happened to find something legitimate (but it takes real work and there are heaps of things to learn.)
When you learn to do affiliate marketing like I did (I still am learning and I'm not a master yet!!!) then you learn all the cool ways to make money online and let's just say this...
It can be extremely profitable once you get it right.
Wouldn't you just love to know how I learned all I know and where I continue to learn to this day? It's called Wealthy Affiliate Online Business Community.
Think big, guys! I recommend you forget the small stuff and learn how to blog for cash.
That's all it is really when you boil it down. Affiliate marketing is just "getting paid to write blog posts" and you shouldn't let the words affiliate and marketing scare you off trying it out.
Can you do it, too?
I think you can.
Why's that?
Well, if you're determined enough to find ways to make money online such as with surveys, I know you can be determined enough to learn how to make money blogging.
Am I right?
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Oh, I didn't tell you about the freebies they give you.
I suppose if want to find out what those freebies are you should check out the review post by clicking the big green button above. I think you'll like it, folks!
Other scams such as binary options should be avoided, too. Read my Empire Options Scam Review Here.
I'm Jimbo. I like making money online and I love teaching others how it's done, too! If you'd like to learn lots of cool stuff, get a free starter account at Wealthy Affiliate and I will help you set up a home business.
Are you with me?
It was great fun talking to you today. And I do hope you come again soon. Subscribe to my email list for cool home based business tips and I'll send you something cool.
Oooh, I forgot to mention, leave any questions or comments below in the comments box and I will get right back to you!
Cheers and good luck!
Forget Scammy Survey Sites That Rip You Off, Waste Your Time, and Invade Your Privacy...They Suck!
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Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away… Jim got a chronic case of sciatica and lost his job. However, Jim used this opportunity to learn how to build websites with WordPress and then to make money online. Jim wants to help you do the same, while helping you to avoid the plethora of scams. Let Jim help you earn your first $1000 online from home. Cheers and see you soon!
Ahahahah Jimbo you are too funny! My previous post I read was where you recommended some kind of a survey site and I was thinking to jump in! Lol
Surveys aren’t my number one recommendation, I would click on the menu at top of my site to find that.
Thanks for stopping by, Sunny