Attention: Only for those who are serious about making money online!

Anyone Can makE real money online with This Step by Step training...


FREEPut Away Your Credit Card

From the Desk of James... 

Dear Struggling Entrepreneur: 

If you’re tired of running round in circles, buying course after course, and tired of gurus just selling their stuff to you, then you’ll want to read this page in full. 

I’m going to show you precisely how I went from struggling newbie, to earning regular passive income online. 

And there’s a simple 4 step process that you can use to start making real money online for yourself. 

(From Scratch) 

And I’m going to show you how without asking you for a single penny. 


You’ve maybe heard stuff like this before, and you’re probably suspicious. 

That’s okay. It’s good that you keep up your guard, it helps you avoiding scams. 

This is exactly why I’m going to take the time to share with you some heartless truth that you really need to hear if you want to stop struggling. 

I’m going to tell you things that “gurus” will never tell you. 

Because although it is absolutely truthful, it’s not a popular thing to say. 

Don’t shoot the messenger, alright? 

So, are you ready to hear the truth?

Most People Who Try to MAKE Money On The Internet Will Not Succeed. So, Right From The Very Start, The Odds Are Really Stacked Up Against You.

It’s a heartless thing to say. 

I know. 

But I don’t want to pull the wool over your eyes. 

I want to be 100% transparent with you. 


Before you click away from this page and give up on your dreams, I want to tell you WHY this is important to share with you first before letting you in to the training. 

This way, you’ll be more able to make this free training work for you. I want to see you making your first $1, $10, $100, and then on to $1000, $10,000 and more.


The Reason Most Will Not Succeed at Making Money Online is Because of Those Full of Sh*t Marketing Gurus Selling Recycled BS Training Courses.

There’s something you need to understand about these gurus.

They have just one thing in their minds.

That is, they want to sell you as much of their crap as they possibly can.

Again and Again and Again!

It’s how they make their fortunes.

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with selling things online.

I’m not trying to say that.

It’s all about what they are selling to you and it’s all about how they sell that stuff to you.

What They’re Really Doing, is Taking Advantage of Your Deep Vulnerabilities and Desires to Earn Real Money Quickly and Effortlessly.

Because, of course everyone wants to make money fast and easy. Who wouldn’t?

So even though it’s a real bummer to hear it, let’s be honest.

If there was a magic money making button that I could press on my keyboard, don’t you think I’d be the first to push it?

Anyone would.

And it’s for this reason that everywhere we look, there is one push-button scheme after another all designed to take the money out of your pockets.

You’ve probably seen as many promises as I have.

They all promise to make you money on autopilot with absolutely no effort required from you.

Just pay your money, set up in 2 minutes, hit the GO button and you’ll be raking in the profits overnight.

Yeah, right!

Ask yourself something.

If it really was THAT EASY, don’t you think these gurus would just do that for themselves day in and day out instead of rehashing old methods and rebranding them with a new name and selling that to you?

If you’ve struggled, just like most people do, and just like I did, then you’ve probably seen a gazillion similar claims of how easy you’re going to make money with their “system”.


It’s NOT your fault that you’re having a hard time with this stuff.


Save Yourself the Constant Anxiety and Failure Cycle, Going Round and Round in a Perpetual Circle of Struggle, Anger, and Kicking Yourself for Falling into Yet Another Guru’s Trap.


It’s NO WONDER that 95% of People Fail to Earn Money Online!

It’s the very sad reality for those who are courageous enough to even try to make money on the internet.

And it pi$$es me off to see it happening every single day.

Because I know precisely how it feels to struggle like that.

And now I know there is something that does actually work.

I don’t need to buy training after training telling me to hustle harder, try some new traffic method, try some new program, try some new software, etc etc etc.

I’ve been through the shiny object syndrome stage.

I’ve been through the information overload stage.

I know what’s it’s like.

I’m Not Ashamed of Saying This, But I Fell For a Lot of Guru Cr#p in The Past.

After failing repeatedly for years, and after spending thousands on training courses from gurus that simply did not work for me, I came to a realization.

Was I Just a Big Dumbo? A Sucker? Was everything online just a big scam?

I came to the conclusion it had to be one of those things.

Could it be all 3 of them?

Nothing I tried WORKED!

Should I Just Give Up and Save Myself from The Heartache I was Putting Myself And My Family Through?

Should I just Get another Crappy Job in the “REAL” World?

My Friends thought I was an idiot for repeatedly trying to earn online.

Even my wife started rolling her eyes when I told her about a new opportunity I’d just found.

So I must admit that many times I thought about quitting while I was ahead.

Shame and doubt were friends of mine.

Some so-called “good friends” started avoiding me. They were tired of listening to me talking about making money online. I even heard theM laughING about me.

I can’t say I blame them.

I kept on struggling, studying, taking action and working my butt off up to 18 hours a day 7 days a week.

Then I finally found something that works. I made my first ever $8 commission.

You have no idea how excited I was when I saw that tiny commission. It was like I’d won the lottery.

I’d proved to myself (and my wife) that making money online was really possible.

NOW I'M the one who’s laughing!

Thanks to what I found, I’d proven all the naysayers WRONG!

What a feeling.

What I found is something where you start for free. Not a single dollar. Zip, Nada, Zilch!

How could I possibly earn money online if all these gurus were just selling me their rehashed rubbish over and over again?

It’s NOT that difficult to make money online. But if you continue listening to gurus, then you’re doomed to FAIL.

Which is why you cannot exit this page before you hear me out. I’m assuming you’re wanting to overcome the odds and tip the balance in your favour.

What I’m going to give you is something that’s REAL!

Something that really works.

And I can guarantee you that no guru wants you to know about this.


Well, once you discover for yourself what I’m about to give to you, you will NEVER ever need to listen to gurus again, and never have to buy their rubbish.

You’ll start MAKING money, not SPENDING it!

I know what you’re probably thinking right now!

You’re thinking “Ah, this is the bit where he tells me what a great guy he is, and then pitch me his amazing program, right?”

Yes, that is absolutely true.

I did create this page to make money.

And it works, too.

I make a decent amount of passive monthly commissions from pages just like this one.


But...this is not a sales pitch.

There really is nothing I’m selling on this page, or the page after this one.

Or even the one after that.

Alright, you get my point!

What I’m giving you today is 100% free.

Put Your Credit Card Back in Your Wallet!

You don’t need it.

What I’m sharing with you zero bucks for some epic value.

I mentioned before how I did create this page to make money.

But soon enough, my clever little scheme will be exposed. (hehehe, insert evil grin here).

Eventually, you’ll see the value in the awesome training I’m letting you have for free. And you’ll want to get hold of whatever it is I pitch to you later on.

Because if you like the free stuff I’m giving to you, then you’re gonna LOVE the stuff that comes later on.

You got me!

But seriously?

This is good for both of us.


Because when you actually sell stuff that helps people get the results they want, and you sell that stuff in a legal, ethical, honest way, it’s a win-win situation.

Like I said before, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with selling good quality products or services.

Let me repeat that…

There is NOTHING WRONG with selling good quality products or services that actually help people to achieve the results they’re looking for.

And if you disagree with that, then you’re clearly in the wrong place, and making money online is never going to work for you. Better stick to the day job!

I don’t mean to offend you, but seriously, this is online marketing and we “sell” stuff.

I help people to get what they want in a way that gets me what I want.


As a result, this has been the most profitable and rewarding type of business I’ve ever been involved in.

As of writing this, I make a comfortable passive income every month all from my computer and internet connection. I work where I like and when I like.

I’m not making Lambo money quite yet, but my income does grow each month.

And it provides for my family.

I have a lot more time freedom than I did with my old job.

No more commuting, no more boss, no more shirt and tie, no more BS!

I barely made ends meet in my J.O.B!

I got out of the rat-race!

And thankfully, my life has totally changed for the better since then.

I get a massive bonus when people I work with say thank you for showing them how to get started online too.

It’s a pretty cool feeling to know that you actually helped someone to change their life.

And I will show you how to get access to that same training that people thank me for.

Because I want YOU to see how to get started, so YOU can finally start making REAL money online.

You’re probably wondering what it’s all about, am I correct?

I’ll show you…

I’m going to show you the precise process I used to go from making zero dollars online to my first $8 commission and then how I kept growing that income to where I could quit my day job and never look back.

Crucially, I’ll show you how to start applying the same methods from day one (that’s today!)

Even if you’re totally new and have zero experience.

It’s a massive claim, I know.

And I know you’ve heard it before, so it’s a bit of a cliche now.

But, as they say, “the proof is right here”

I got you to this page, didn’t I?

 A small fraction of the people who take the free training I’m giving you today will eventually “buy” something when I pitch it to them later.

Who could be you!

Why is that?

Because they get TERRIFIC VALUE from the free stuff I give to them first.

They experience the value of what I have without paying a dime, then they WANT to buy other stuff I recommend.

That’s because they know it will benefit them and their business immensely.

It’s a time and time again proven “Give people something of actionable value first before asking for money” strategy.

It’s a mad concept, isn’t it?

Give stuff away for free to make money online?


I assure you, it works. It works VERY well. It is absolutely THE BEST way to make money online.

I'll show you how to apply the same strategies so you can crush it.

I know it would be too easy to post screenshots of my earnings here on this page.

So, instead of that, I’ll show you other people’s results. People just like you and just like me.

Regular people.

They’re not super geniuses.

They’re not gurus.

They’re not “just lucky”

They took the free training you’re about to get your hands on and they ran with it.

They took the “action” they needed to take.

You can apply this training within ANY niche you want to get into.

So it’s not about promoting some “system” that’s designed just to take people’s money.

You can do what I do, and that is make money from other people’s products and services as an “affiliate”

Before I continue, I want to be very clear about what this is NOT…

This isn’t a push button system that shows you how to get rich overnight.

This is not MLM or Network Marketing.

This is NOT a high ticket systems with neverending upsells.

This is NOT a job where you get paid an hourly wage.

This is NOT a secret trick or loophole.

It’s absolutely NONE OF THE ABOVE.

What I’m giving you for free today will NOT make you rich overnight.

It will NOT help you if you need money to pay your rent at the end of the week.

It’s not for people who want an easy way out and who don’t want to put in some effort.

If you’re expecting any of the things I mention above just now, it’s probably better for you and for me if you leave this page right now.

I’m serious.

I’m not trying to offend you. My time is valuable, as is yours.

So let’s not waste anyone’s time, okay?


If you’re still here, congratulations. You’re serious and I want to help you START EARNING MONEY ONLINE.

I’m going to show you how to build a business online that you’ll love. I’m going to show you how to finally succeed.

I need you to promise me ONE thing though.

I want you to start this training with a blank slate. Wipe your mind of what you think you know. I want you to take this training seriously, and really take action on what it teaches you.

You see, this training is golden.

But it only works if you take action.

I want you to be 100% coachable. Fresh, ready to learn and with no “crap” getting in the way of your progress.

Because I want you to actually SUCCEED with this training.

Does this sound okay?

Okay, let’s continue…

On the next page, you are getting access to the precise 4 step formula that I use to generate passive online income.

And YOU can follow the same formula yourself.

This is very powerful stuff. And it’s a proven, time-tested process.

It’s a method that lets you take FULL advantage of a wealth of opportunities that exist in the online world.

Not only that, I’m also going to fix you up with this:

Your very own profit ready website, live and hosted.

10 Over the shoulder, step-by step lessons.

1-on-1 coaching from myself. (Yes, I’m really going to be there for you.)

Access to the same community of industry experts who want you to succeed.

This is the sort of value you will not find in most paid programs.

So, there is absolutely NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain by taking action today.

Now you’re at the point of decision.

Either you can continue on the path of least resistance, struggle on for maybe years, or even quit before you make it…


You can choose the proven path that’s worked time and time again for years.

You can break the cycle and finally start building a real online business.

If you’ve read as far as this, then I know this is right for you.

So if you want things to change, if you want a new direction in your life, you’re going to have to do something different.

It’s time to make a new choice and pursue your new outcome.

Access the same training I took in 2015 that has made a massive difference to my success.

I’m also going to be sending you out a daily email with tasks you should crack on with. Each email will link to a specific training video.

This email series will guide you through the training as fast as possible so you can start seeing results faster.

However, I understand that some people won’t have as much time as others.

And that’s fine.

Just do what you can, when you can, it will still work.

If you have 1 hour a day for this, that’s cool!

If you have 2, that’s better.

And if you’ve got more time, fantastic, you’ll progress faster.

Are you ready and able to start learning the right skills that will take you from zero to hero online?


Click the green button above to get started and I'll see you on the next page:

P.S I recommend reading all of this page, but just in case you've scrolled all the way to the bottom before reading (like I normally do), here's a quick re-cap on what you will get immediate access to on the next page:

  • Step-by-step training to show you how to start using the exact 4-step formula I use to earn a nice passive income online
  • Your own revenue ready website
  • Access to me personally and a community of experts
  • Other powerful resources that’ll help you to create a thriving online business
  • And you can do it all from the comfort of your own home or anywhere with your laptop and an internet connection

And you get all of that for ZERO dollars.


Click the green button above to get started and I'll see you on the next page!

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