Today I'd like to talk about the how and what of work at home jobs and we'll also discuss why you might want to start earning money on the internet. I think it's best to cover the why first, before talking about the how to and the what to do. By the time you've read this, you're going to have a better idea of how to work online from home and get paid. We'll take look at what type of business models are worth your time and find out where you can learn all of the best techniques to help you learn to build and grow a home based business.
Why Would Anyone Want to Create a Home Business or Work Online?
As you know, the economy sucks right now, people are losing jobs and getting pay cuts. People are working longer hours just to pay the bills. Once upon a time in a typical family, only one parent needed to go to work. Now, though, the typical scenario is that both parents have to go to work full time and still the bills are barely paid before the next month starts. It's hand to mouth in most cases today, and I'm afraid it doesn't look like it's going to improve any time soon. So why not employ yourself?
Some Ideal Work at Home Jobs for Moms (or Dads) Might Be…
These home business ideas with low startup costs can be ideal if you already have the basic necessities such as an internet connected device, some time, and a bit of elbow grease. They might suit you.
- work from home customer service
- completing online surveys for cash
- language translation
- data entry jobs
- graphic design (logos and things for people's websites, for example)
- website design
- writing for others
- writing ebooks for others
Some people do multiple jobs online to create revenue for the family. It beats housework, lol.
However, those Examples are Not Really a Home Business (Are They?)
The above examples are small jobs people want doing for their own businesses. With these types of things above you're going to have to work for other people which is the same as having an ordinary job. It's like having a boss all over again and they'll be the ones dictating to you how, when, and what you're going to be doing.
Wouldn't You Be Better Off Being Your Own Boss?
Of course, being your own boss is the bees knees and there is nothing better than not having to get up in the morning to the sound of a shrieking alarm clock. But working online from home has many other benefits, too, and some Drawbacks. The benefits include things like not having to put up with a boss or bad co-workers. Nobody can fire you, but yourself. No one telling you what to do and when.
Of course, there are drawbacks, too, and the main one is that creating a full time income to replace the income from your job will take time and a lot of effort. But with the right approach it can be done more easily, and I'll get to the how to a little further down the post. The pros, in most cases, outweigh the cons. A little heads up…Online business is MASSIVE!!!
Have You Noticed How Many People Buy Things Online Now?
It's a growing trend. Why not get in on that trend to make a living? Read on and I'll tell you how you about some home business ideas with low startup costs…
How to Work from Home Online
You need some basics, and because you're reading this right now, I believe that you already have those. The basics are an internet connection and something to access the internet with, preferably at least a laptop. That's all you need, apart from time, and the willingness to learn new things.
Which Work from Home Business Opportunity is Right for You?
There are a plethora of opportunities. I like the affiliate marketing method myself, which means creating a website and finding things to promote on your site. Then you write articles (just like the one you're reading right now) about things you're familiar with. You don't just promote or advertise any old crap on your site.
Your Website is Your Reputation
You have to do thorough research before recommending anything online. If you scroll to the top of this page you will see in the menu at the top that there is an item called My #1 Recommendation. I don't recommend stuff just because I randomly chose it. Anything you see on this site is thoroughly checked out on your behalf. I joined that #1 recommended program in July 2015 and I've never looked back. It's what I recommend you join if you want to create a home business.
You see, my niche is home business and make money online stuff. It's in my best interests to choose only the best things to promote or advertise on my site here. I suggest if you're going to create a home business for yourself that you do the same. You promote or advertise only what you know to work, what you know it legit and what you know is good value. Simple! Rest assured, anything you see me “plugging” on this site is legit and I've tested it all for you so that you don't have to worry about being scammed.
How to Start a Home Business with No Money
The most beneficial place for you is a place that doesn't promise you'll make quick money overnight and that place is Wealthy Affiliate. There are more scams online than legitimate opportunities. Be aware of them. If you want to help to start a legitimate business from home using nothing more than the internet and a laptop, or a PC, read this Wealthy Affiliate Review.
I think it will be right up your alley. I'm often asked how to start a home based business with no money. At Wealthy Affiliate you can start for free! You can learn all of the level one training and get two websites thrown in. By the end of level one you'll know if creating a home business is right for you. This way you don't lose a penny before finding out if it's a good fit. And if you do decide to take it further, it won't cost a fortune.
Are You Serious about Starting a Home Business Online?
Of course, by the end of level one, they'll want you to pay for all the other levels. But if you're serious about continuing, you get plenty of bang for your buck there. In fact, you'll get a lot more than what you bargained for (in a good way…) At some point along the line you're going to benefit much more if you invest something into your own education to make money online.
With Wealthy Affiliate you'll get training, hosting, websites, community support, website support and tools. Everything you need is included. There's even a live chat that runs 24 hours a day and 365 days a year so you can go in there and ask questions. You will get tons of people giving you the answers from years of experience with home businesses. The online route is probably the cheapest way to get started with a business these days. But I wouldn't expect you can do it all for free forever. Still, it's the cheapest way to go from $0 a month to much more per month than you'd imagine.
Prove it!
Okay, I will. One of the members of Wealthy Affiliate, Dominic, wrote about how he went from $0 a month to $10k a month in 3 years. He worked hard to get there, and you can expect to have to do the same if you want to have that kind of success. Dominic's story is not an unusual one. There are thousands of other success stories. Are you going to be one of them? Wealthy Affiliate has brought success to thousands of people just like me and just like you. You can read that fascinating blog post Dominic wrote right here.
Warning – Working at it is Essential!
It's not for those who aren't willing to put in real effort. There is much to learn before you can expect a decent income. But combine this with your normal job while you grow an online income and you'll be laughing all the way to the bank. (i.e. Don't go quitting your full-time job until you start seeing consistent monthly revenues equal or exceeding your salary.)
Some other Examples of the Best Stay Home Jobs You Could Try
Okay, so you might not want to start a home business. What else could you do to make money online? Well, you could do work for other people. Places like Fiverr are great to start with. There are people always looking to outsource some of their mundane, difficult tasks that they don't know how to do, or haven't got the time to do themselves. If you're at home all day with the kids, for example, there are many work at home jobs for stay home moms (or dads) available if you search the internet.
If you have any particular skills then you can join Fiverr and other similar sites to start doing what they call “gigs” for money. Gigs could be things like logo design, writing jobs, website design, online data input jobs, translating, ebook cover design, video making, audio recording, etc. Go check it out if you're into that.
There are also many other sites for freelance writers where you can write stuff for other people and get paid. There are methods such as binary options trading (a bit of a gamble in my view) and there are things like online surveys, too. In the end though, we're all different and some of us are too busy with “life” to start a home business. It's not for everyone, but anyone could do it if they're determined enough.
[thrive_link color='orange' link='' target='_self' size='large' align='aligncenter']Is There Such a Thing as a Free to Start Up Business in a Box? Yes, There is. Check it Out Here![/thrive_link]
What do you think about working online? And what are your struggles and your concerns? What is your ideal job or home business? Let me know below. I'm Jimbo, May you choose the path that brings you the most success. Thanks for reading!

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away… Jim got a chronic case of sciatica and lost his job. However, Jim used this opportunity to learn how to build websites with WordPress and then to make money online. Jim wants to help you do the same, while helping you to avoid the plethora of scams. Let Jim help you earn your first $1000 online from home. Cheers and see you soon!