Welcome to my WP Twin review. I'm sure you'll agree with me when I say that neglecting to back up a website is foolish.
Reading about this new software might save you from a lot of hassle and lost content in the future. If you're a WordPress fanatic like myself you'll know how important it is to keep your sites backed up and safe in the event that hackers somehow take it down.
Mistakes can also be made by hosts or website owners where you end up with no site and a headache because you lost all your hard work. It's essential to backup your sites, I'm sure you'll agree.
In today's post I review a new way to backup your sites, even clone them so that you can give copies to clients (change the content though, you can't have plagiarized stuff all over the web).
Table of Contents
WP Twin Review
Product Name: WP Twin
Owners: Ben Murray et al
Price: Check Current Price Here
Launch Date: 2017-Feb-08
Launch Time: 11:00 EST
Click to Visit Website Now
What is WP Twin?
WP Twin is software (not actually a WordPress plugin) that clones your website in order to backup. It is essential to make regular backups of your websites because not backing up a would be foolish.
How Does WP Twin Work?
WP Twin backs up your sites to the cloud or to your server. Whichever option you choose, it's done quick and easy. It can actually be done in less than one minute in most cases. This probably depends on the size of your website and how much content there is to be backed up.
Why Would You Want to Clone Your Website?
Many reasons such as for backup purposes, but also, interestingly, so that you can "sell" clones of your sites to clients.
Of course, you would clear the content that you'd created because that would be duplicate content and we all know that duplicate content will be penalized by the big G (Google).
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But cloning a site as a template for another site is fine. If you had a dentistry website you could clone it for others with dentistry websites in seconds.
There's money to be made if you're into building sites for others. A big time saver would be WP Twin.
Who is WP Twin for?
It's for WordPress developers, Bloggers, Affiliate Marketers and anyone else who wants to backup or clone their WordPress websites.
Who Created WP Twin?
The owners of WP Twin are Ben Murray and his team.
Is WP Twin a Scam or Legit?
No, it's not a scam.
WP Twin Support
The support at WP Twin will quickly and easily sort you out if you ever encounter difficulties. However, I don't think you'll ever need to contact them as it is an easy to use interface and fast at what it does.
WP Twin Pricing - How Much Does it Cost?
WP Twin starts at $37 and is a one-time payment, unlike some competitors which charge monthly fees. It is quite a reasonable price to secure your site for the future.
You could make daily backups, or, like me, you could backup your sites after publishing a new article. It's better to be safe than sorry, me thinks...
What are the Pros of WP Twin?
It's not a plugin, meaning it's a safer way to backup. Plugins can be prone to hackers, so not using a plugin such as WP Clone would be more beneficial.
What are the Cons of WP Twin?
I do have a concern about WP Twin. Some people might use it to "copy" a site multiple times including the content on the site. This would be plagiarism and would result in penalties from the search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. Not good.
The original site wouldn't be penalized, because the search engines know full-well that the original site published BEFORE the cloned sites.
That's what the search bots do, they index things. Read more about my concerns of plagiarism here.
Should You Buy WP Twin?
If you're a blogger, WordPress website developer or affiliate marketer who needs to sleep well at night in the knowledge that your sites are fully backed up and resilience to the loss of a site is important to you, then absolutely, you need it.
However, if you already have a plugin that does the job, you might want to "consider" changing to software that isn't a plugin.
If you have another way to backup your sites that doesn't require a plugin, you might be better sticking to that.
There's no need if you're making daily backups for another shiny object if it's not essential. I would only buy it if you have no way to backup or clone your current sites.
Thanks for reading my review of WP Twin.
If you'd like to comment on your experience of WP Twin or you have suggestions for a better alternative to WP Twin, let me know in the comment section below. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
I'm Jim, the author and owner of this website. Read more about me and the purpose of this website here.
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Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away… Jim got a chronic case of sciatica and lost his job. However, Jim used this opportunity to learn how to build websites with WordPress and then to make money online. Jim wants to help you do the same, while helping you to avoid the plethora of scams. Let Jim help you earn your first $1000 online from home. Cheers and see you soon!