Wealthy Affiliate Review 2020 – Is it a Scam? Hear The Truth!

In my honest Wealthy Affiliate review 2020 update, I’ll be exposing, disclosing and discussing this online business training platform in great detail and I’m leaving nothing out. This review is not going to be 100% full of false praise. I will also be talking about how you can get my bonuses for joining WA through my link here on this page.

Everyone gets really frustrated when trying to learn how to make money online because of all those time-wasters selling us crappy products that don’t work, plus all the blatant scams out there on the internet. And my guess is that you’re “sick and tired of being sick and tired” with all the BS that goes on so that people can just put their hand in your pocket, take your money and run. Am I right?

Then you’ll definitely want to keep reading this review because Wealthy Affiliate might just be what you’ve been looking for…But then again…it might not! Joining Wealthy Affiliate through my link will give you access to my bonuses.

Long story short? I recommend Wealthy Affiliate above all else. I’ve been a member for over 5 years and I’ve still not found anything that can come close to WA for the training, hosting, community, website builder and keyword tool that are included when you’re a member.

But first of all, you’ll want to read all of this review so that you can know if WA is the right fit for you. This is a really detailed review, so with that in mind, I’ve included a table of contents which is clickable for your convenience. Click on one of the items below and you’ll be automagically transported to that section of this Wealthy Affiliate review.

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An Introduction to Wealthy Affiliate

In my freshly updated 2020 review of Wealthy Affiliate, you’ll be quite surprised when you see what’s available inside the WA website, even with a free starter account. There is a 100% free account available so anyone can try it out without losing a penny.

I’ve been where you’re likely to be right now, struggling, being side-tracked by shiny object syndrome and all that stuff that stops most people from succeeding online, like scams or methods that simply DO NOT WORK today. And I’ve come out at the other end of that tunnel shining. I can help you do the same.

Quick Facts About Wealthy Affiliate

Site Name: wealthyaffiliate.com
Founded: 2005
Description: Affiliate Training
Starter Pricing: Start Free
First Month: $19 then $49 Per Month
Yearly Premium: $495 Per Year
Upsells: None
Owners: Carson & Kyle
Recommended: Yes
My Rating: 96%

Quick Facts About Wealthy Affiliate

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I don’t want you to join Wealthy Affiliate if it doesn’t sound like the kind of “work” that you want to do as a way to give up your day job and start becoming financially free. And before you ask…

Yes, you absolutely can generate HUGE, job-busting, ass-kicking, boss-firing profits if you follow the training from Wealthy Affiliate.

But only if you’re serious enough about investing in yourself! Read on for more details about the deal at Wealthy Affiliate and what it could do for you. To be completely transparent with you, I’ve been an active member of this online business training community since 2015. So I am obviously going to be a little bit biased when it comes to Wealthy Affiliate. 

But why is that a benefit to you?

Well, that’s a good question. The answer is that I have plenty of real experience inside of the Wealthy Affiliate platform, and that means I have been there long enough to really know what I’m talking about. I’m not just some guy who tried Wealthy Affiliate out for a day using a free account and then wrote a quick review in the hope of plugging something else that I want to make money from.

Wealthy Affiliate is still my #1 recommendation ever since 2015. That says a lot about WA, doesn’t it? Another added benefit you get from me being a long time member is that because I have plenty of experience inside of Wealthy Affiliate, I can take you by the hand once you’ve joined and show you the ropes. I can fast-track you on your path to success. I can remove road blocks people often encounter. That’s only because I’ve been doing this stuff a long time.

I encourage you to ask yourself this one thing: “Why would Jim bother being a paying premium member of Wealthy Affiliate if the stuff being taught inside doesn’t help him make money online?” It’s quite obvious. You’re here on my website for a reason. And if I can get YOU to visit my website, via whatever channel I got you here, then the training must work.

Wealthy Affiliate is a platform made to train people how to make money online. The method taught is the affiliate marketing method. Affiliate marketing works wonderfully well, but only if you do it right.

WA will show you how to blog the right way. You’ll learn how to create content in many forms, written, video and audio, etc.

If you’ve been struggling to build a website, create content, choose niches, do keyword research and earn money on the internet, Wealthy Affiliate is the place for you to turn all that around and start being successful.

Who are the Founders of Wealthy Affiliate?

In 2005, Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim, who reside in Canada, created Wealthy Affiliate as a keyword research site to help affiliate marketers with keyword research.

Since then, Wealthy Affiliate has evolved into a more complete suite of training and tools for bloggers, home business owners, stay home moms and dads, and anyone else wishing to learn how to do affiliate marketing properly.

Kyle is mostly involved with the training aspects of Wealthy Affiliate and Carson deals mostly with development of the WA website.

Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim Are The Co-Founders of Wealthy Affiliate

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What is Affiliate Marketing? – It’s Getting Paid for Recommending Stuff

To anyone who doesn’t know the definition of affiliate marketing, it can sound quite scary. But it’s actually very simple. Picture this:

You’re wearing a new pair of shoes, or a dress, or pair of jeans, etc. Or you’re showing your friends a new hi-fi you’ve just bought. It could be anything, a new car, a new garden shed, a new mobile android or Apple iPhone. Picture it in your mind.

Your friends ask you all about what you have bought. Now, what if you could tell your friends all about that item and get them to go and buy one for themselves?

Not only that…What if you could get a commission of let’s say, 10% of the cost of that item if they do buy? Imagine it’s a new iphone and they would have to pay $1000 for it if they buy one through your recommendation.

The only thing they have to do is mention that “you” sent them there and recommended that product to them. So there they are, they’re in the shop looking at the iphone and someone comes to assist them. Your friend tells the sales assistant that “you” recommended they go shopping there.

Your friend then buys the iphone for $1000. That means YOU have just made a 10% commission. That’s $100 for you out of $1000. Nice, right?

That is affiliate marketing in a nutshell, only it’s mostly online these days. Affiliate marketing also exists offline. But we’re here today talking about how to do it online. To benefit most from affiliate marketing online you should have a website. And you should choose a niche to focus on.

You could choose a niche like Android phones or iphones. Or both. There are HUGE benefits to doing affiliate marketing online. The main one being that you have access to the biggest possible pool of customers you could ever hope for.

The Definition of Affiliate Marketing in a Nutshell

Once you know what niche you are interested in, you make money by publishing helpful content on your website that tells your visitors about something you recommend.

You get a special “affiliate link” from the owner, vendor, or marketplace (like Amazon.com or Clickbank) for the product you’re talking about and people click on that link to buy it.

You are then paid a percentage based commission into PayPal, a bank account, or by check and sometimes by gift vouchers.

The diagram below explains the process in easy to understand terms.

4 step process to making money online
  • Step 1, You choose your niche and create a website.  Choosing a niche you genuinely are interested in helps a lot. Choose a domain name that you like, one which reflects what your website is all about…
  • Step 2, You create content that is helpful to your website visitors. You might have a website about dog training. Let’s say you write about house training for puppies. Content is ranked in Google and then…
  • Step 3, Visitors will start coming to your website to read about something you recommend. For example, they might have gone on Google and they may have searched for “dog training tips for puppies.”…
  • Step 4, if you’ve helped out your visitors with your quality content, some of them will click on an affiliate link which allows them to buy whatever it is that you’re recommending. You get credited with a commission.

As an Affiliate Marketer, the whole world is your oyster!

And this can mean massive profits when you do affiliate marketing the right way with a website of your own.

Your Revenue Sources are Unlimited with Affiliate Marketing

Your website is the central hub for your online business. You need it! It’s the engine of your business. And there is a lot of other additional stuff that can help your website, like leveraging social media networks and email marketing.

You can also buy traffic, though I don’t recommend this until you know what you’re doing and you’ve got a good amount of quality content on your website. 

All Businesses Need Traffic (Online or Offline)

Traffic is essential in any business whether it’s McDonald’s or any website business. You need people who want to buy stuff.

And Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to get people to your website. But you need to do it the right way if you want to earn life-changing revenues online.

And you can absolutely make life changing money with affiliate marketing.

The Benefits of Affiliate Marketing for The Affiliate

  • Little to no startup cost
  • Ability to get going fast
  • Up to 100% Commissions on some products
  • Recurring commission potential
  • Very low risk business to start
  • No warehousing and no stock to worry about
  • No worrying about payment processors or refunds
  • Unlimited earning potential with affiliate marketing
  • You decide when and where you’re going to work
  • You can create content about a product, and still profit years after, with little work (passive income)
  • You don’t have to handle customer service
  • Don’t have to create a product – you sell someone else’s
  • Being an affiliate means that you are your own boss
  • No warehousing and no stock to worry about
  • Thousands of Affiliate programs, from Amazon.com to Walmart, to BestBuy to JVZoo
  • Being an online affiliate means you have the potential to reach a global audience
  • It’s free to join most affiliate programs, if they charge you, don’t promote them
  • No need to buy products to promote them, unlike MLM

An Insider’s Peek at Wealthy Affiliate’s Live Chat Feature

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Who is Wealthy Affiliate For?

Okay, so I am pretty sure you’re wondering if Wealthy Affiliate is a good fit for you, right? Like I mentioned before, it’s not perfect and it’s not for everyone. Some people are just not cut out for working at home.

The best thing I can do is list a lot of different types of people that it would be good for and then in the next section list the types of people it’s not going to be good for.

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Unemployed People
  • Side Hustle Seekers
  • People Learning SEO
  • Work at Home Moms & Dads
  • Students
  • Disabled/Can’t Work
  • Underemployed People
  • Struggling Bloggers
  • WordPress Fans
  • Veterans
  • Local Business Owners
  • College Dropouts
  • Retirees
  • Those Tired of the Rat-Race

The list of people that Wealthy Affiliate is suitable for is endless, really. I could probably think of another 20 or so with a little effort. But I know you want to move on to some more nitty-gritty, so let’s crack on.

Who is Wealthy Affiliate NOT For?

Wealthy Affiliate is not for everyone. Those looking to get rich quick can forget about it. It’s not right for those who think that an online business generating real income is going to be created overnight.

Success in any business takes time. If you want to create a bricks and mortar business offline how much would you have to invest and how long before you’re in profit?

The greatest thing about the online affiliate marketing model is the super low-cost to start. I don’t think there is a more affordable way to create a business online these days.

Wealthy Affiliate will NOT work for anyone who is not willing to invest time and effort into themselves and their own business. People who expect to have it all done for them should avoid joining Wealthy Affiliate because it’s never going to happen.

How Does Wealthy Affiliate Work?

After signing up for a free account at WA, simply add a profile image and then write a short bio about yourself. Something like “Hi, my name is Joe Bloggs and I am wanting to learn how to create a website and make money with it!”

That’s enough for the time being. You can always update your profile later on. Wealthy Affiliate has 2 training courses and every niche imaginable is okay.

How Does Wealthy Affiliate Work

To get to the training in Wealthy Affiliate simply click on dashboard in the left side under your profile image. You will see the green training icon, so go ahead and click on that.

The two main training courses available are the regular training which is called Online Entrepreneur Certification, which covers every niche you could ever want.

And then below that one there is the affiliate bootcamp niche training which shows you how to create a website around the “make money online” niche…

Wealthy Affiliate has a great affiliate program that you can leverage. I will talk about that in a moment.

The bootcamp training teaches how to promote Wealthy Affiliate itself as well as many other products and services in the make money online niche such as autoresponders, WordPress themes, plugins, training providers.

You will also learn how to review products on your website so you can earn commissions from them.

NOTE: Wealthy Affiliate has an affiliate program, but, it is not MLM. Also, just because you’re a member of WA, it doesn’t mean you have to promote it to make money online…

That’s because WA will show you how to make money in any niche you choose, from dog training to vegan cooking and golfing to fishing.

As I mentioned before, you get to learn how to create a profitable online business in any niche you desire, whether it’s juicers, health and wellness, fitness training, dieting, relationships, or whatever…the list is longer than your arm.

How Much Does Wealthy Affiliate Cost? 

There is a free account for anyone wanting to test the waters at WA, but these free accounts may not be available in every region of the world.

However, that doesn’t mean people in those exempt countries are unable to become a premium member. They just won’t get access to the free trial in those regions.

Wealthy Affiliate Free Membership Vs Premium Membership Comparison

Wealthy Affiliate Membership Price Comparison Chart

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What’s Included with Wealthy Affiliate’s Free Affiliate Marketing Course?

In the free affiliate marketing course for beginners (called starter members) you’ll get access to Live Chat for 7 days. You will have 2 free sub-domains that you can use to follow along with the training.

You’ll be able to access level 1 of two separate affiliate training courses. By the end of each course you will have a pretty decent idea about whether this business model, affiliate marketing via blogging, is the right kind of business you want to be getting into.

So, without spending a dime, you can access:-

  • All of Level 1 Training
  • Use of Jaaxy Keyword Tool
  • Website Builder
  • 1 Sub-Domain Site
  • Hosting for Your Sub-Domain
  • The Helpful Wealthy Affiliate Community
  • The Live Chat (Live chat is limited to 7 days only)

You can give WA a try before you commit to anything. What many don’t know is that once your 7 days of free membership is over, you do not get kicked out of Wealthy Affiliate.

You will just not have access to the premium features that you had for the first week. (Like the live chat.)

You could upgrade to premium after being a free member for 6 months or more. No worries there.

You can still log back in to WA at any time after the first week is up and access many things like the level one training, including the 2 free sub-domains you created.

Not only that, but you can still make money by promoting Wealthy Affiliate using their affiliate program. You’ll receive half the commissions that a premium member would receive.

If that sounds cool to you, go for it. The training you need to do is the bootcamp, which teaches how to promote products in the make money online, home business, work from home niche.

What is Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp?

The Bootcamp is a training course that will teach you all about how to earn money in the “make money online” niches, which include sub niches such as-

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Email List Building & Email Marketing
  • WordPress Fans
  • Home Business Owners
  • Work from Home
  • Online Entrepreneurship

There are a lot of sub-niches in the broader niche of make money online. In the Bootcamp you also learn how you can promote Wealthy Affiliate itself which has an awesome affiliate program with recurring monthly or yearly commissions.

I will tell you more about that a little bit down the page.

Bootcamp is the training I decided to go for because I couldn’t think of a niche more interesting to me. And that is why I created beststayhomejobs.com.

I love this niche, it’s fascinating to me, and most of all I love helping others succeed online with their internet businesses.

Nothing I’ve ever done “job wise” is as rewarding as helping people to start their own websites and make money online.

So far in my 5 years (at the time of writing this) I have helped over 3000 newbies to start up and grow an online business.

Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp Training Overview

As I mentioned earlier, there are two separate training courses at Wealthy Affiliate. The first training course is for all niches other than the make money online niche. The bootcamp training is for those who want to be in the internet marketing space. (like me). If you want to help people start up a home business then this niche is perfect for you.

Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp Training Overview

In Bootcamp course #1 you will quickly learn how to get your website created and how to set it up. You’ll install and activate necessary WordPress plugins that will help you design your site and make it more Google friendly (picked up in search engines, or…indexed.)

The process of how make money online with affiliate marketing is explained in this section of the training. There are about 10 lessons in video and text format that will have you understanding the process and having a website in place ready to earn money by the end of lesson 10. You will have a profit ready site.

Next is Bootcamp course #2 which will teach you the essentials about affiliate marketing. This is geared toward how to create content for your website. Your website is profit ready, yes, but you need helpful content on it for visitors to find. You can’t make money with a blank website the same as you can’t hear music on a blank CD.

In course #2 you also learn basic keyword research and you will get free access to Jaaxy, which is an awesome keyword tool provided by Wealthy Affiliate to all of its members. It’s easy to use and you should understand keyword research very quickly once you watch the training videos.

The third course in bootcamp shows you how to integrate social media platforms into your site. If you look on this page you can see some social sharing buttons which allow your visitors to “share” your blog posts to their social media channels.

When someone shares your articles to social media, it is a chance to get extra visitors to your website. This is beneficial because Google isn’t the only way you should get traffic on a website.

Bootcamp course #4 will teach you all about how to make your site more attractive to visitors in the visual sense. A pleasingly designed site that is laid out in a simple to navigate way will help keep people on your site longer looking at blog posts you want them to read.

In Bootcamp course #5 you will learn how to target specific “audiences” in your niche. This means you’re attracting people who are interested in products within your niche and getting them to come to your site.

There’s little point in trying to get someone who is looking for Golfing related articles to come to your site if you’re writing WordPress or Home Business related topics.

Bootcamp course #6 will introduce you to PPC, which is an acronym for Pay Per Click. PPC is a method of getting traffic to your site with paid advertising. Imagine paying $1 per click to your website and making back $2 each time.

You would do that all day long if you found a winning formula. Wealthy Affiliate teaches this in course #6 but it’s not worth doing unless you already have a lot of content published on your site.

Bootcamp course #7 teaches you more advanced aspects of PPC. Once you’ve mastered the basics and found a winning formula it’s time to scale up and make much more money.

Note: I’ve been at Wealthy Affiliate since July 2015 and I’ve never had a need to use PPC yet.

Wealthy Affiliate’s Commission Structure For Starter Members:

Starter Members will earn $4 for special offer referrals (this is the first month of anyone’s membership being discounted down to only $19.

Then you’d receive $11.75 monthly or you’d make $114 if a member decided to go for yearly membership. It’s not a bad commission structure for free members to leverage.

The Commission Structure For Premium Wealthy Affiliate Members 

You can double all the figures in the details above. That would be $8 for referring a brand new premium referral in their first month. Then, in month two you’ll receive $23.50 per month for every member who stays with WA.


If one of your premium members upgrades to a yearly membership then you’d receive $235 per year for that member. So, not only are you helping people out by recommending something awesome to them, you benefit financially as well.

How Much Does Wealthy Affiliate Premium Cost?

At the time of writing this review it’s a monthly fee of $49 which gives full access to everything inside Wealthy Affiliate. There is also an option to upgrade to yearly membership which is the best deal you’ll get compared to the monthly membership.

Yearly Membership will cost you $495 per year. That’s a saving of about 2 months over the monthly rate of $49 if you decide on going yearly. That’s less than a dollar a day. Can you build a profitable online business in any niche of your choosing at any other place, online or offline? I don’t think you can.

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Wealthy Affiliate’s Black Friday-Cyber Monday Deal

And did I mention also that there is also another chance to save even more if you go for the Black Friday-Cyber Monday deal that Wealthy Affiliate always has in late November. WA drops the price to a mere $299 for anyone, including current members, to upgrade and save.

So the cost then would be even less than it was before.

$299 divided by 12 months = $24.91 per month = just 83 cents per day. Wowzers! 

Now all you have to do is to factor in the cost of your domain name (a yearly charge) which will be about $14 per year, and you’re good to go. The daily cost of a domain name, if you’re wondering, is less than 4 US cents.

What is Included with the Premium Membership?

Where to begin? A Better question to ask would be “what DOESN’T premium membership include? You get access to everything and anything that Wealthy Affiliate has inside. That includes all content added to their site in the last 15 years.

There are over 300 webinars that were recorded and uploaded over the years. If you are a premium member you will get the allowance of hosting 10 Dot Com websites. That’s incredible…but…

I don’t recommend if you’re new that you try to build all those 10 sites simultaneously. That would be crazy because you’re spreading yourself 10 times thinner. Your progress with the training and tasks will be 10 times slower. Do yourself a big favour – focus on just one website to begin with. I promise you’ll be thanking me later!

Wealthy Affiliate Review 2020 - overwhelmed

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Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth The Money?

I’m not going to just say “absolutely” without giving a reason why. That wouldn’t be fair. What I am going to do instead is ask you to think about how much it would cost you to start a traditional business offline, such as a grocery store, or a hardware store.

It would cost tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars, and that is just to get set up before you make any profits. Many new businesses will go under because of the high costs that are simply too overwhelming for new business owners.

Imagine the stress of setting up, bringing the business into profit, and the probability of up to a hundred hours a week working on the business (especially in the beginning). Wealthy Affiliate is definitely worth the money if you want to learn powerful online revenue generating skills. It’s worth double what people are currently paying for the premium membership, if not more. 

But don’t tell the founders, they might put the price up, lol. So, Shhhhhhhh…alright?

Wealthy Affiliate Education Vs College Education

I’d also like you to compare Wealthy Affiliate’s education with that of a college or university. How much does it cost you to go to college or to university for 4 years (or more in some cases) to get a degree in a subject which enables you to chase that dream job you have?

How much would it be in your country? Shall we guesstimate about $10k per year? I’ll bet it’s pretty costly to go for higher education in most countries, right?

And with that said, after finishing college or university and even if you get that degree you wanted…

Are you guaranteed that dream job? If you get the job, great stuff, well done. Now you have a guarantee that you can enjoy the next 50 years working for someone else’s dreams…

Or…you might get laid off!!! Is it just me, or does that SUCK?

There are no guarantees in employment these days. Steve Jobs was fired by Apple, the company he created. So do you still feel safe in your job? If you do, then that’s fantastic. But I know that most people do not feel safe in their jobs. Which again begs the question…

But is Wealthy Affiliate Worth it for You, Personally?​

Now I get to say “absolutely!!!” But what do you think? Is Wealthy Affiliate worth $49 a month for the premium membership? Is it worth $495 per year?

Would you forego a couple of starbucks coffees a week and invest that money into your self, your education, your own business, and your future? Could you manage with a glass of water instead?

Compared to other ways to make money, such as getting a degree and then a job, or even creating a bricks and mortar business, it’s incredibly obvious which is the best bang for your buck. For $49 a month you can create an awesome, profitable, life-changing business on the internet.

You get to learn affiliate marketing which is one of the most lucrative and simple ways to make money online and you also get to rub shoulders with others with similar passions when you’re a member of WA.

You get websites, hosting, keyword tool, live chat, and oodles of training on everything from WordPress site building to email list building to social media marketing. It’s all included. You can even get Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership for LESS than $49 a month.

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How Much Can You Make with Affiliate Marketing?​

It’s worth noting that there is NO LIMIT to what an affiliate marketer can earn online. NONE! Want some proof? Here’s a screenshot of Pat Flynn’s website.

What Pat Flynn Makes with His Blog

Do you see that? That’s a lot of money made from a single website, isn’t it? And I know what you’re thinking…

You’re thinking….”That sure is a lot of money to make PER YEAR with a website.” But I’ve got a bit of a shock for you, I’m afraid. That’s $167,000 for ONE MONTH!!!

No wonder he’s grinning like a Cheshire cat in that image. And I’ve seen his monthly reports many times. Sometimes he makes over $300,000 a month from his online business. 

Are you stoked? You should be. Because…

Wealthy Affiliate Teaches You The Same Stuff Pat Flynn Is Doing!

Want some of that success for yourself? You’d better get learning then, eh? Now, okay, let’s be realistic. You’re not going to make $167,000 a month right off the bat, you know this, don’t you?

Pay Flynn started out in 2008 and he struggled. He didn’t make anything for a long time. He struggled to reach $1000 a month for a long time. You’re going to struggle too. And many times you’re going to want to jack it all in.

I know there have been times I’ve almost packed up and got a day job. But I stuck it out and now I’m finally going places. What’s the best advice I can give to anyone who wants to make money with a blog?

Well, to be honest, it’s quite simple, really. All you have to do is create content for your website and keep doing it over and over again. Eventually you will rank really well in Google and other search engines.

Then you’ll start making some money. Maybe not a lot to begin with. But that money will make you realize that this stuff actually works. When you realize it works, you’ll start creating much more content and your income will rise even faster.

Now, the absolute BEST THING you can do is to skip the part where you’re waiting for your first sales online to come. Skip that part and go to the part where you “know that it works, so you work really hard on creating more and more content”.

You’ll accelerate faster toward the real money. Are you going to create 1 blog post a month? I hope not….it’s going to take you years to start earning.

Can you create a blog post every day?

In that case, the money will come a lot faster. The more work you put in at the beginning, the faster it happens.

How to Get Premium Membership for LESS Than $49 a Month

I believe $49 a month for education, tools, training, and a community to be a part of, is a fantastic deal. But if you’re wanting to save even more money, you can go for the yearly membership option.

So, how much is the yearly membership?

It is just $495 per year to be a fully paid up member of WA. That’s less than a dollar a day. That’s amazing, isn’t it? And Here’s Another Little Secret…

Every Black Friday there is a further discount to those going yearly. Let’s move on to the next thing you need to know…

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Watch Me Create A Brand New Site with Wealthy Affiliate’s SiteRubix Site Builder

SiteRubix is the name of Wealthy Affiliate’s website builder. It takes about 30 seconds to create a website with it. There are only about 5 steps to take to get it up and ready to start adding content to it. Here’s a quick video showing the 5 simple steps.

How to Access The SiteRubix WordPress Website Builder Inside Wealthy Affiliate

Inside the Wealthy Affiliate dashboard you can click on websites as I’ve shown with the red arrow in the image here. There are currently 7 options inside this tab which are all related to your websites.

The Site Builder is where you get to create your website from scratch in about 30 seconds. I’ve included a video on how to do that within this review.

You can even purchase your domains here inside the websites section. No more complicated migration of websites from Godaddy or Namecheap to Wealthy Affiliate’s hosting! Yay!

How to Access SiteRubix WordPress Website Builder Inside Wealthy Affiliate

This is The SiteRubix WordPress Website Builder

I’ve included the SiteRubix WordPress Website builder plugin below in my review so that you can test it out for yourself. Go ahead and type in a domain name (must not already be taken) and see for yourself how easy it is to build a website in about 30 seconds.


Wealthy Affiliate’s Live Weekly Webinars

Every Friday afternoon, at 5pm, Vancouver time, there is a live broadcast webinar training. The topics are very varied from week to week. You can navigate to the scheduled webinars using the “Live Events” button in the left-hand side of your WA dashboard.

As well as upcoming Webinars, there are also more than 300 (and counting) recorded classes dating back several years. As a premium member, you get access to all of these classes, at any time, and you can watch as many times as you like.

Wealthy Affiliate Weekly Live Webinar Training by Jay Neill

I often attend the live classes, as there’s a lot to learn in them, and they’re always quite fascinating. If I miss one, I catch the recording. At the end of each live class, Jay takes questions and gives his answers via the live chat which can be accessed while watching the video.

Jay often has a series of webinars where he takes us right from the beginning to producing a profit making niche site in front of our eyes. One such case study was where he built a site named footballsnackhelmets.com

How to Get Help at Wealthy Affiliate

How To Ask For Help At Wealthy Affiliate

In the image above there are 3 arrows showing 3 ways to get help when you’re logged in to Wealthy Affiliate.

This is the search box. You can find gazillions of questions in there which have already been asked by members over the years. You’ll also find many answers beneath the questions in the comments sections.

That’s a pen icon. Click that icon and you are able to write a question and many inside the Wealthy Affiliate community will be able to answer within the comments section below your question. Usually takes a few minutes for the first person to answer your question.

Live chat is the most instant way to get help but is limited to the people using live chat right now. Often times they’ll post a link to a training in there for you to click on and then watch. Sometimes you’ll see Kyle, the co-founder in the live chat and you’ll be able to ask him directly.

Additionally, if all else fails, there are other things you can do to get help. Contact the person you joined Wealthy Affiliate under. This is your “referrer”.

To find out who referred you, you can click on your profile image at top left and click “profile.”

Scroll down your profile and you’ll find the first person to comment on your page is the person who referred you. Help is never far away at WA.

If you join Wealthy Affiliate through my link on this page I will be the one who helps you personally.

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The Wealthy Affiliate Community

There are hundreds of thousands of members in the Wealthy Affiliate community and they come from all walks of life. You’ll find members there of 15 years old to 90 years old. There seems to be an equal mix of male and female entrepreneurs from part-time students to retirees to work from home moms and dads.

You’ll find complete beginners in there and you’ll find people who’ve been there since the inception of WA in 2005. Most people inside the community are there to learn and earn online. They’ll also help others with advice and tips on what to do if you ever get stuck.

You WILL get stuck from time to time, I guarantee it. Just ask someone for advice and you’ll get unstuck. The only dumb question is a question not asked.

Wealthy Affiliate Site Support

If you ever have technical problems with your websites, then site-support will help you out, often within minutes. You can find the site support section in the “websites” tab on the left hand side of the dashboard. If you can illustrate your problem with a screenshot that’ll help site support determine what your problem is. A picture speaks a thousand words.

If your problem is impossible to put into a picture using a screenshot, simply explain in detail what problem you’re encountering and site support WILL save the day. I’ve never had a site problem that cannot be fixed up by site support.

Is Wealthy Affiliate a Scam?

If Wealthy Affiliate were a scam I’d definitely not be a member, and not for over 3 years now (at the time of writing this). And if it were a scam I certainly would not be recommending it to others. I have a reputation to keep.

Wealthy Affiliate is legit just like McDonald’s, Apple, Microsoft, or Adidas, Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. WA was established in 2005, just a year after Facebook launched. So you can be sure it’s built up a good solid reputation as a training portal for affiliate marketers.

I haven’t yet discovered anything else in the space that comes close in all round value for money. You get a huge amount of benefits for the premium pricing. The only people that might call Wealthy Affiliate a scam are those who’ve given up too soon, or those who are competitors.

Wealthy Affiliate is certainly NOT a scam. There’d be thousands of idiots there if it were, and they’d all be making zero dollars online while still plugging the platform. People are making money with Wealthy Affiliate’s training. Period.

Watch the quick video below where I talk about Wealthy Affiliate and why it is not a scam.

Wealthy Affiliate Success Stories

You will be successful if you follow the training at Wealthy Affiliate. The only way to fail is to quit too soon. Yes, it takes time and yes it takes effort. If you’re brand new to this affiliate marketing method of making money online you’re going to take a little bit longer.

But stick with it and you are a thousand times more likely to succeed than someone who isn’t a member of Wealthy Affiliate. Get your premium membership and dig into the training. Create content for your website and get it ranked using the SEO techniques you’ll learn inside WA.

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How 21 Year Old Jerry Made $7,395 in 7 Days with Wealthy Affiliate

Over the Black Friday period, Jerry, who’s been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for just a couple of years, earned himself a whopping $7.3k in just 7 days. This is what Wealthy Affiliate can do for anyone. The training works. Jerry simply followed the training, worked hard and consistently.

He has one website. I mentioned earlier this is all you need to make a full time living online these days. More websites does not automatically mean more revenue. Remember you’re spreading yourself too thin with multiple sites. You can read all about how Jerry did that by clicking on the image below.

Jerry made 7395 dollars in one week

Discover How Jerry Made $7395 in a Week

More Wealthy Affiliate Success Stories

More Wealthy Affiliate Success Stories - Grace

Discover How Grace Made $3870 in a Week

And here’s another success story, just for good measure.

Erics Success with Wealthy Affiliate

Discover How Eric Made $7202 in a Month

And another…

Roopes Success with Wealthy Affiliate

Discover How Roope Made $5000 in a Week

Wealthy Affiliate Testimonials

You can find plenty of positive Wealthy Affiliate testimonials inside the platform but just for good measure, here’s a few I’ve had just recently from other members.

More Wealthy Affiliate Member Testimonials

Anyone Can Be Successful at Wealthy Affiliate

If you want to be successful online then you’re going to need a website. Wealthy Affiliate gives you the easiest option to create a website that you can imagine. It takes around 30 seconds to set up a website on their hosting.

The training teaches methods for building out your website and is kept up to date if there are any major shifts, such as google algorithm updates. Follow this training to the letter if you want to earn faster. Each training module has a task list with check-boxes for you to tick off when you’ve completed them.

Every Friday Evening (Canadian Time), there is a live webclass which is hosted by Jay Neill. Jay has been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2007 and was already very knowledgeable in the internet marketing/blogging sphere before that.

If you should ever need any help, or advice, or you simply want to drop in for a chat, there is a live chat feature which is rolling 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. There is always someone in there when you need some tips.

Wealthy Affiliate Live Training Coach - Magistudios Profile Image

Wealthy Affiliate has 2 different training sections. The first one is niche site creation and that training is geared toward anyone who wants to create a niche site that is NOT in the Affiliate Bootcamp.

Wealthy Affiliate itself has an affiliate program, which is the training you will take if you decide that you want to promote WA and other make money online related products – This training is the Affiliate Bootcamp.

Will You Be Successful at Wealthy Affiliate?

Nobody but yourself can force you to be successful at Wealthy Affiliate. There is no hiding the fact that you will have to be patient with yourself and you will have to work hard and overcome your struggles. Successful affiliate marketers are the ones who didn’t quit.

It’s as simple as sticking it out and never giving up on your road to success. Shall I let you in on the secret to success at Wealthy Affiliate? There isn’t one. There is no hype, there are no upsells, just straight forward and honest training.

Kyle will explain to you when you begin watching the training videos that success doesn’t come over night for anyone. You have to be patient and commit yourself 100% to the game-plan if you want to go from zero to making a decent income on the internet.

The ONE Main Difference Between Those Who Succeed And Those Who Fail

All the successful members at Wealthy Affiliate do differently to those who fail is they don’t give up! They push forward no matter what struggles they encounter. They ask for help when struggling. And you WILL encounter struggles. Guaranteed!

But keep going and ask for help when you need it inside of Wealthy Affiliate. That’s what’s cool about the community and the co-founders – the ability to reach out and ask for help, either in the live chat, or in the forums or the comments sections under the training videos.

It took me months to make my first commission. I knew it would come eventually. Am I glad I stuck with it instead of throwing in the towel a few weeks in. Even after I got my first sales online I still had to struggle to scale up. You will struggle, too at times! But keep at it. Because it is WORTH IT!

The Pros and Cons of Wealthy Affiliate

As I mentioned earlier, Wealthy Affiliate isn’t for everyone. Neither is it perfect in every way. There are things that annoy me about the Wealthy Affiliate setup, so I’m going to be totally transparent here and expose them all.

The same things might that bug me about the site and the community might not bug you, but it’s best that you know in advance. It could be better if they did away with some elements that seem to only be there to encourage members to spend a lot of time inside the site.

That’s wasted time in my opinion. But as you will see for yourself, the pros outweigh the cons.

Things I Like About Wealthy Affiliate

  • Easy Website Builder
  • 24/7 Live Chat Help
  • Step by Step Training in Bite Sized Chunks
  • Easy to Use Keyword Tool
  • Classrooms Such as Email Marketing
  • Fast Website Support Tech Team
  • Weekly Live Webinar Training with Jay Neill
  • Great Affiliate Program
  • Fast, Secure & Reliable Site Hosting
  • Create Up To 10 Websites
  • 1000s of Successful Members to Help You
  • Tasks to Complete After Each Lesson

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Things I Don’t Like About Wealthy Affiliate

  • Inexperienced Members Giving Bad Advice
  • Some Members’ Posts Are Useless
  • Not All Members Are As Nice As You Hope
  • Ranking System Isn’t Of Any Real Benefit
  • People Trying To Game Their Rank
  • Live Chat Can Be Distracting – Watch Out!

Make Sure You’re Listening to Really Good Advice

You must be careful who you listen to. It won’t always be apparent. Being ranked highly at Wealthy Affiliate does not mean someone is an expert. I’ve been an Ambassador on multiple occasions since 2015 and I was at the time in no way what you’d call an expert. I attained a high rank simply by being very active within the community.

Some of the members in there will try to game the ranking, by being super active inside. To do this, they will post 3 useless blog posts per day, sometimes about mundane things like how much housework they did today, how they’ve bought a new kitchen table, or how they bumped into a friend in town yesterday.

Some of it is utterly pointless stuff and in no way does it help you or I with our online business. It’s a dumb distraction and clearly these people are wasting our time, their own time (and their money) doing things they can do for free on Facebook.

The Wealthy Affiliate Community’s Ranking System is Pointless in My Opinion

I believe Wealthy Affiliate’s ranking system needs to be done away with because too many people get focused on what their rank is.

No matter what your rank is at Wealthy Affiliate, it has absolutely no effect on your earnings. This is why it’s a waste of time.

I’ve earned more while being ranked outside the top 200 than I ever earned when I was an Ambassador in the top 25. Why?

Simply because being ranked in the top 25 meant that I was spending LESS TIME on my own website, blogging, reviewing products, and helping people outside of WA.

As soon as I started to focus MORE TIME on my own website, my ranking at Wealthy Affiliate went down to the hundreds, even thousands, but I was starting to make money online with my site.

Which do you want? Would you like a number displayed in pixels on your screen that says “TOP 25” ???…

…or do you prefer real money being put into your PayPal or Bank Account? I think I already know your answer. But to cut a long story short…

Your rank does not matter and there is no benefit at all.

Ignore The Pointless Stuff By Some Members Who Waste Time

Most people at Wealthy Affiliate are pretty friendly and helpful. But not all of them. Some people can be rude, impolite, demanding and feel they are more “entitled” than everyone else. There are hundreds of thousands of members at Wealthy Affiliate. Just as in real offline life, you’ll find you will come across some bad apples.

It’s best to avoid them like the plague because they’ll drain you. You simply cannot please some people, no matter what you do. DON’T FOCUS ON YOUR RANK at Wealthy Affiliate. It really is a huge waste of your time and you will gain absolutely NOTHING in return for a high rank.

Beware The Live Chat Inside WA – Don’t Waste Time

Another thing is the live chat feature in WA. While being a good thing overall, it can be a big distraction. Sometimes people spend hours in there chatting away about random stuff that is of no use to their online business or others’ businesses.

They’re wasting their time at the expense of their online success. If you really do want to be successful, don’t be like them. They could do all of that for free on Facebook. Avoid getting sucked into that trap. If you need help via the live chat, get in ask someone about your problem, get the solution, and then say thanks and get out again.

When I was new at Wealthy Affiliate I would spend up to 6 hours per day in there on the live chat. Helping out, chatting, you know…

While it’s nice to get ideas, meet new people, and help others who are even newer than yourself, your progress will be affected. Just imagine how much work on my own site I could have got done in those 6 hours per day. Wasted time there, didn’t I?

It’s much more beneficial to take action and work on your business. You’ll earn more money and you’ll make it sooner rather than later. I spend a maximum of 5 minutes a day now in the live chat and my income has improved a great deal because I’ve worked more on my own business.

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Wealthy Affiliate Wiki – FAQs

Here’s a lot of questions people often ask about Wealthy Affiliate. Feel free to ask your own questions in the comments box below this post if you have any. I’ll always reply in good time.

I’ve created a separate post to cover all the FAQs about Wealthy Affiliate. Check that out here.

What Will You Learn in the Classrooms at Wealthy Affiliate?

You will learn many skills at Wealthy Affiliate and you’ll also see that they can be very useful to make some good money online with your website.

Here’s a short list of some of the best things you will learn. I can’t list everything, it would take a lifetime. Wealthy Affiliate goes back to 2005 and there really is a lot more to be seen under the hood.

Classroom 1 – Getting Started

In this section, which is where everyone new to Wealthy Affiliate will begin, you will be taken through how making money online works. Kyle, the co-founder has put together a series of easy to follow videos explaining everything in detail.

When you’ve finished watching these videos you’re going to have a much better idea of what is involved. You’re also going to be more confident that you can also make it work for you. Kyle wants you to be successful. And so do I.

Classroom 1 - Getting Started Training

Classroom 2 – Social Engagement & Marketing

In the Social Engagement & Marketing course you’ll learn social media marketing. You’ll be shown how to leverage social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, and Linkedin, to name a few.

You name it, if there’s a social media site then it’s likely to be covered in this section. Social media can boost your traffic a great deal, so it’s best to learn one or two of the different platforms so you can then add more revenue to your websites by driving traffic from them.

I love Instagram, and don’t really bother with Google+ and Facebook. It’s best to choose a couple of them and learn them well than it is to choose all of them and not be very good at them.

Classroom 2 - Social Engagement and Marketing

Classroom 3 – Authoring and Writing Content

Content is king, and you’ll learn how to create the best content for your website. This classroom will focus mainly on blogging to begin with and then move on to video in later stages.

Have you ever wanted to learn how bloggers make money online? This is it. Want to know how you can write better content? WA will teach you all of this and much more, too.

Classroom 3 - Authoring and Writing Content

Classroom 4 – Keyword, Niche & Market Research

In the keyword, niche and market research classroom you’ll learn how to use Jaaxy, the keyword tool that is included inside Wealthy Affiliate’s membership. Keywords are going to be a big part of your online business. You’ll learn how to leverage keywords that will rank your blog posts in the search engines.

This is awesome free, targeted traffic for your website. Target low competition, low hanging fruit, long-tailed keywords to build traffic to your site and watch the visitors grow daily. You’ll learn all you need to know about keywords and how to properly implement them on your website in this section of the training at Wealthy Affiliate.

It’s not nearly as hard as you think it is, especially when you’ve got WA’s own proprietary keyword tool, Jaaxy by your side.

Classroom 4 - Keyword-Niche and Market Research

Classroom 5 – Website Development & Programming

If you’re a bit of a geek, there is always the Website Programming and Development classroom where you can get really in-depth tutorials on tweaking your website design. This training handles some of the nitty-gritty for those who are more inclined to get under the hood of their websites.

This training classroom is not essential if you’re building a basic site and filling it with quality content, but useful if you really want to get stuck in to every single element of your site design. I don’t think I’ve ever visited this classroom in the 3 years I’ve been a member. I don’t know how to code yet!!!

It just goes to show, building websites only needs to be as hard as you choose it to be. If you’re a complete beginner, you can skip this classroom until you’re more confident. It’ll still be there when you’re ready for it. So, don’t worry about missing out.

Classroom 5 - Website Development and Programming

Classroom 6 – WA Affiliate Program

Wealthy Affiliate has its own affiliate program that pays recurring commissions for every member you sign up if you’re promoting their platform.

If you’d like to make money via promoting the Wealthy Affiliate program, you can do so by following the “Bootcamp” training inside WA.

Classroom 6 - Wealthy Affiliate Program

Classroom 7 – Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

In this classroom, you’re going to learn SEO. Does that sound scary to you? SEO means Search Engine Optimization. And that is making your site “friendly” toward Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines.

Good SEO techniques taught at WA will tell the search engines to index your site. Once indexed, you get ranked in the SERPs. SERPs simply means “Search Engine Results Pages.” You want to shoot for page one of Google to get the most traffic.

Don’t let any of these terms used in online business scare you off. I used to be scared to death of SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Keyword Research, WordPress and all kinds of other stuff just because of the wording used. It’s all much simpler than you’re thinking! I promise!

Classroom 7 - Search Engine Optimization

Classroom 8 – Everything WordPress

In this classroom you’ll be learning how to use WordPress. WordPress is hugely popular with content creators, bloggers and entrepreneurs.

You’ll learn everything there is to know about WP itself, themes, plugins and how to control how your site appears to visitors in this extensive training section.

Classroom 8 - Everything WordPress

Classroom 9 – The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

The Wealthy Affiliate Platform classroom is dedicated solely to learning how to use the WA website itself.

Wealthy Affiliate is always evolving, adding new features and improving things daily.

If you ever get lost within WA you can try this classroom to ask questions, leave suggestions and learn about how the WA website is structured.

You’ll become a WA expert before you know it.

Classroom 9 - The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Classroom 10 – Pay Per Click Marketing (PPC)

In the PPC (Pay Per Click) Marketing classroom you’ll learn about PPC marketing. PPC is where you pay for traffic to your site (*if you want to) You’ll learn how to create ads on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Facebook among others.

If you could spend $1 on advertising and make back $2, would you do it? That’s what it’s all about. If you could spend a little money to make much more money back, you’d likely want to do it all the time.

However, don’t start this training until you’ve got lots of content on your site. It’s best to get a feel for which content on your site “converts” visitors into paying cutomers first before paying for any traffic. PPC, when done properly, is very powerful.

Classroom 10 - Pay Per Click Marketing

Classroom 11 – Local Marketing

In the Local Marketing classroom you can learn LOCAL SEO, if that’s your thing. Local SEO is creating content and getting it ranked for location specific businesses. Do you know of a plumber in your area who wants more customers?

If you could use your skills learned in this training you could drive online traffic to his/her website and he’d gain more customers. The local business you helping will pay you handsomely in return.

You can use local SEO to rank local businesses better. Learn this, and you could end up being paid by companies to get them better search results in Google.

Classroom 12 – Email Marketing

A powerful element of an online business that most people want to leverage at some point, is email marketing. In this training section you will learn how to collect emails on your website and other web entities.

You’ll learn how to build a relationship with your email subscribers, and also how to manage your email list, and how to convert your subscribers into loyal buyers.

Email marketing is a huge benefit to your online business. You don’t need to learn this right off the bat but you should be looking at it eventually to further your online success to new heights.

Email marketing can become the backbone of your online business and can make a big difference in your earnings.

Classroom 12 - Email Marketing

Classroom 13 – Video Marketing

Have you ever wanted to make videos and put them online on places like YouTube, Vimeo and other video hosting sites? Did you know that your videos can help you make money online?

You can embed your own YouTube and Vimeo videos on to your website to help drive more traffic. Your site will rank better in the search engines if you leverage video.

People love watching videos online more than they like reading. And Google loves videos, too. Wealthy Affiliate also shows you how to leverage other people’s videos from YouTube and Other places and also teaches you how to create your own.

Classroom 13 - Video Marketing

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Wealthy Affiliate Complaints

Nothing in life is perfect. That includes Wealthy Affiliate. The things that irk me sometimes about the platform might not be the things that bother you so much.

There are always brand new, inexperienced members in there who will try to look like they’re experts. They’ll often give bad advice via live chat, or via the comments under people’s questions. This could be detrimental to a newbie’s progress.

Does Wealthy Affiliate Really Work?

If you’re still in doubt and you’re asking if Wealthy Affiliate really works, then I can assure you, I’m proof that it does. It works as long as you work, I like to add when people ask me. Affiliate marketing takes time to get worthwhile. It doesn’t matter how you learn it or where you learn, it’s the same. When you build a website in any niche, you have to build your authority.

At first, say 2 or 3 months, Google will not yet trust your website. Google (and other search engines like Bing and Yahoo) wants to know that you’re going to stick around and you’re not a fly-by-night scam artist looking to make a fast buck.

Once Google and the other search engines start to trust your website more, they will rank your website better. This is where you’ll want to keep on pushing with new content published as often as possible. The more you create and publish, the faster you’ll gain trust with your readers, and of course the search engines.

The training at Wealthy Affiliate will work for you if you’re patient with yourself. You have to “work” for free on your online business to begin with. And nobody can tell you when you will make your first dollar online. Have confidence that you’re on the right path when you stick to the Wealthy Affiliate training modules. Don’t get bamboozled with shiny objects which will distract you and make you want to look for shortcuts.

Look at Jerry, Grace, and many many other successful members at Wealthy Affiliate if you want proof this stuff works. Do you know what they did to become successful? There is no secret method or shortcut they took. All they did is to create content on a regular basis.

They had struggles along the way like everyone else does. They asked questions and got help inside WA. I want you to take this training at Wealthy Affiliate very, very seriously. It can and it WILL change your life if you give yourself a chance. Everything you could need to learn how to earn money online is at Wealthy Affiliate and it will work for you if you work on your online business and do not quit until you succeed!

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Conclusion – The Truth About Wealthy Affiliate

While Wealthy Affiliate isn’t perfect and it isn’t for everyone, it is still what I believe to be the most affordable way to learn how to create your own profitable online business in 2018 and beyond, period. If you are willing to invest in yourself in regards to learning new things, acting on the tasks that come with each training module, and create content on your website, then there is nothing to prevent you being successful with WA’s training and tools.

The community is over very helpful once you discover who is best to listen to in terms of advice for the direction of your business. Internet marketing is easy, but it can be overcomplicated when you fall for the dreaded shiny object syndrome that can plague even the best of us.

At the end of the day, if you think you can create content on a regular basis and publish it on your website, then you’re going to succeed. All you need to do is push beyond any frustrations. Everyone is impatient to make money. Making money is the purpose of Wealthy Affiliate, after all is said and done.

Trying to learn affiliate marketing using random YouTube videos, and no action plan, is extremely difficult. But it can be done by those determined enough. It’ll take longer, there’ll be a lot more frustration and failure, but it can be done. But why struggle like that when Wealthy Affiliate can make the whole process of making money online as simple as possible? There’s no need to go it alone these days.

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My Final Opinion of Wealthy Affiliate

I first joined Wealthy Affiliate in July 2015 just to check it out for free. I had been looking for something suitable for me for about a year, as I had created a WordPress website back in 2014, but that was just for fun. I knew that websites can make money for those that created it and I wanted some of the action. However, I didn’t know of Wealthy Affiliate and stumbled on it by accident.

The words affiliate marketing didn’t mean anything to me. I didn’t have a clue what it was. I soon learned it’s very simple. It’s making money by recommending stuff to other people. This is best done when you’ve got actual experience of a product. Hence, my Wealthy Affiliate review here today. Here I am recommending Wealthy Affiliate to anyone who wants to make money on the internet.

Way back in July 2015, I saw an ad somewhere in a forum and it simply said “Struggling to Earn Money Online? Click Here!” And so I clicked because I sure was curious. I landed on the home page of the Wealthy Affiliate website and thought to myself “Ooooh, what’s this then?” After creating my free account, which took a matter of 20 seconds, I got to the inside. It didn’t take me long to realise that Wealthy Affiliate was what I had been looking for all that time.

Thanks for Reading My Honest Wealthy Affiliate Review

Thanks for reading my brutally honest Wealthy Affiliate review today. I hope you took away a lot of golden nuggets that’ll help you to make some progress with your online business. I’ve included warts and all. Despite the warts, I still recommend Wealthy Affiliate as the best place you can go to learn how to make money online.

If you’re willing to do the work, then Wealthy Affiliate will work for you. And I’ll be there step by step holding your hand if you ever need me. If you have any questions at all about Wealthy Affiliate, or online business in general, leave them below in the comments and I’ll gladly reply to you personally.

Take care.

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Join WA Through My Link for These Bonuses

When you click any link or any button on this page to join up at WA, a couple of things will happen.

You’ll be redirected to join WA as a free starter member. Set up your profile by choosing a profile image and write a short bio. Done!

If you join Wealthy Affiliate through this page, you are going to get some awesome bonuses from me when you decide to upgrade to premium. Here are the bonuses you will receive.

Bonus #1 – Your First Month is Only $19, Usually $49 per Month

When you decide you want to get serious and opt in for the premium membership, your first month will be $19 only. When you continue after month one is over, you’ll pay $49 per month unless you decide to go yearly and save even more.

Bonus #2 – A Bundle of Extra Training Videos from Myself & Others

Anyone who upgrades to a premium member at Wealthy Affiliate will receive a bunch of awesome bonus training videos from myself and other expert internet marketers.

Upon becoming a premium member you will have activated the private message system and I’ll deliver the bonuses there. They quite literally will be delivered within 5 minutes of you upgrading. (That’s the power of automation on the internet).

Bonus #3 – Private Access to Me for Extra Help Whenever You Need it

Get private access to me 7 days a week. Contact me any time via private message inside of Wealthy Affiliate and get my help. 1 on 1 coaching helps a great deal, especially when you get stuck. Whenever you’re having issues, I’ll be giving you tips on what to do to fix them, overcome them, or go around them.

Just send me a private message once you’ve upgraded and we’ll get started on your first steps. Sound cool? Click the orange button below to get started right away. I’ll see you inside in a minute.

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193 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate Review 2020 – Is it a Scam? Hear The Truth!”

  1. I thought you had to know technical code to start a website. In reality, there are programs out there (such as Wealthy Affiliate) that let you get your website up in just a couple of clicks! Not only can a website be setup EASY but getting off the ground was straight forward in Wealthy Affiliate.

    I joined a couple of months ago. No I’m not swimming in a ton of cash or anything but I am seeing RESULTS and I am earning.

    My point is that I TOTALLY support this review of Wealthy Affiliate! Especially if your someone who is struggling to find success. only. My first day inside, I literally had people messaging me right away asking me if I needed help. Literally, the training is great and the community is even better. Everyone inside is just so eager to help you get started.

    Good luck in your journey everyone,

    -Tomas Bishop

  2. Hey,

    Excellent and informative review about Wealthy Affiliate. I’ve heard of Wealthy Affiliate and it sounds like something that I could earn a passive income on, especially while we are in lockdown.

    It seems quite easy to follow and that the training is thorough and step by step that is easy to follow.

    I will let you know if I buy into this and give you my review of what I think.

    Thanks for sharing and keep up the amazing work on your site.

    All the best,


  3. Dear Jim
    Thank you very much for your fantastic review of Wealthy Affiliate that shows the most effective approach to start up your own online marketing business which can grow gradually. I hope more people will know about your website and follow your guidance.

    Kind regards,

    • Hey Andrey, thanks for stopping by my review. You mentioned gradual growth there. I’d like to put the record straight just so that people aren’t put off by the “gradual” bit. The speed of an online business’ growth depends solely on how much content you can create in a period of time. For example, if you create content just one time per month, you’re not going to grow much at all. But if you were to create content every single day (which is ideal), then you’re going to see your business grow really quickly.
      Here’s what I would do if I were to start over from fresh. Instead of messing about (which I did a lot of in the beginning), I would crack on and try to publish some new content every single day. I would have reached the 10k per month earnings level much sooner. After reaching say 1k or 2k per month, I would hire a writer to create even more content for me, while still writing daily myself. And once reaching 10k per month I’d reduce my workload to writing once per week (a mega post, so to speak) and hiring more writers. Eventually you could end up with 10 or more writers using this scaling model. If I had a time machine it’s what I would do.
      Thanks for stopping by, Andrey.

  4. Loved your review it was very well written and laid out the facts and some of the distractions that wealthy affiliate does have.
    I totally agree with your philosophy if you dont put in the hard work in the long run you wont succeed my aim is 4-5 articles per week whilst trying to make up a product review once every couple of weeks to compliment all my articles.

    • Create as much content as you can, as quickly as you can, Kevin, and you’ll see your online business growing faster as a result. It’s my number 1 tip as an affiliate marketer to other affiliates.
      Thanks for popping in, Kev.


  5. Omgoodness! The information and dedication you have put into this review post is staggering. I think this was well thought out, organized and not bias at all!
    Thank you!

    • Hi Brendaliz, Thanks for the comment, you’re right, it took a long time and a lot of effort to create this review. I think it’s about 16,000 words long, lol. However, I wanted to cover every aspect of WA that I could think of.
      Thanks for stopping in today.

  6. This is an excellent and honest review of WA! I have been a member since and I agree with what you said about the pros and cons of the training. A good point you made was not to worry about site ranking. I always just assumed that the higher the ranking, the more likely that person is making big time money. Very good and informative post and this could double as a good walk through for new users. Great post!

  7. WOW! This post is laid out great. I am a new member to wealthy affiliate, and your review is complete and accurate. I have noticed I get caught up with the live chat, questions, and site ranking. It was nice to read that those thinks have no bearing on your success with the program. I can use that time for creating mor contacts. Excellent post!

    • Hi James, thanks for coming by my review today. If you’re already a member of WA then don’t hesitate to contact me inside if you need any tips.


  8. Wow… I was not expecting this when I arrived at your website!

    I believe you have covered everything and left nothing of me to ask. All I have to add to this is, if I was not already sold on Wealthy Affiliate, I am now.

    for taking the time to cover everything that Wealthy Affiliate has to offer, it truly is amazing.


    • Thanks JoAnne, Yes WA is amazing, but it’s not perfect. Nothing is perfect though, is it?
      Thanks for dropping in on my WA review. It’s appreciated.


  9. Thank you for sharing your honest review about WA, I know for certain I made the right choice in joining . You listed all the pros and cons and haven’t left anything out, it was very detailed. Thank you again !

  10. This is easily the most comprehensive – and longest – review of Wealthy Affiliate that I have ever seen. I cannot imagine anyone going through it all, at least not in a single sitting. There’s no doubt though that your review is accurate and honest, and it is certain to convince many aspiring affiliate marketers to try WA out.

    Good work.

    • Yes I’ve never seen such a detailed review in my 5 years with Wealthy Affiliate. I wanted to be as thorough as I could, to please everyone. You’ll also notice there are some clickable quick links near the top to navigate the review.
      Many thanks for dropping by, Frank. Take care.

  11. My story is similar to yours. I spent years looking for the right information, spent tons of money on scams and made no progress. I had no clear path and I had no idea how to actually write, do keyword research, do SEO, how to sell etc.

    So I eventually gave up on the whole thing as a waste of time. Until I gor really fed up with my career a couple of years ago and decided to give this thing another try. I searched for legit training this time and pretty fast found out about WA. Just likey you, I was convinced pretty much immediately.

    Fast forward almost two years and I have two income producing websites and plan on going full-time this year.

    The thing complete beginners need to realize is that you need to treat this like serious business. You have to work on it every day to see results, you can’t expect to pay for some service and to money start pouring in automagically. You need to learn the skills by following the training, apply them and them create a routine for consistent work. It all comes down to creating enough interesting content, to acquire authority for Google rankings. Once you accomplish that, the money part is easy.

    My tip for any beginner is to focus on the training and not your rank within the community in the beginning. It’s easy to get carried away by blogging withing WA and doing actions. But you will do yourself a huge service by focusing that energy into content creation.

    • Hi Jukka. Well said. I agree with your feelings on how to treat this stuff as a real business. If there ever was a push button wonder machine that spits out cash, I’d be first to buy into that. But the truth is, no such thing exists. Real work and real action is required to make money on the internet. Wealthy Affiliate makes this stuff as simple as it can be. The hardest part, indeed, is creating content on a consistent schedule.

      Thanks for dropping by.

  12. Wow! Ive never read such a thorough review. It left me with no questions and a clear thought on what decision to make on my online business future and that is to join Wealthy Affiliate. I really like your honestly on the subject and how you just said it as it is and didn’t suger coat anything, it was straight to the point. Thanks for the great info.

  13. Wow, you are very thorough in explaining affiliate marketing. I like the idea of someone helping me out, as I am in the process of learning, and I’m unfamiliar with so much of it.
    I’ve checked out other programs and Wealthy Affiliate is the best I’ve found to help beginners like myself.

    • Hi Willow, I’m glad you like WA. It really is a no-brainer, and since it was founded way back in 2005 (15 years old in 2020) it means that it’s been tried and tested by many. Total member count now over 2 million, wow!
      Thanks for dropping in. Let me know inside Wealthy Affiliate if you need any help. My profile is Jim-Bo.

  14. I’d rather work hard on my own business for a couple of years and reap the rewards for years to come, than to work a regular job for 50 years and get a measly pension, just to make someone else rich. Not for me.

  15. I started on Wealthy Affiliate as a complete beginner and I didn’t even know what affiliate marketing means. Since then I’ve learned to make a full-time income online, traveled around the world and enjoyed the laptop lifestyle. Wealthy Affiliate literally changed my life.

    • That’s the kind of thing I love to hear. Yes, it is life-changing if you take it seriously and actually work on your business. Best training platform there is. That’s why Wealthy Affiliate is still my number 1 recommendation after 5 years.

  16. Hi James,
    I commend you for the honest and straight for the forward manner in which you’ve broken down this WA stuff.
    While I admit that I still have jitters about affliate marketing(being a complete newbie),I know I have a strong enough will to take on the challenges that abound in this online world of business.
    I look forward to interacting with you more as I undertake to sign up for the WA program.Thanks.

  17. Hello James,

    What a detailed review of WA, I enjoyed reading it!

    I am quite new in WA, but I can see some imperfection in WA and how they teach the people (mainly the content of the videos), however the base for the success is definitely placed by all the trainings offered and if people go step by step with the videos, is quite sufficient.

    From the first login to WA there is so many information and I was clogged by the information about SEO, website set-up etc. and it critical to spread the time spend on the lessons, WA community building and the website creation, and the lessons learned in the start could be forgotten quite fast..as per my experience:).

    But, I agree that WA is worth to try and there are so supportive people, I like to interact within the community and I would recommend it due to his as well. I would also suggest to new members to use youtube and google trainings to complete their knowledge, as unforunately the trainings in WA are sometimes up to date (as far I know they working on updates, but it could take a while). Also to keep in mind that not only WA founders know all the secrets and there is a lot of people with huge WordPress/SEO/social media knowledge, which shares it e.g. on youtube or other free websites.

    What I would like to point out is the usage of WordPress, which is free in case of premium members (of course the fee is included in the monthly fee, but still no need to go anywhere else you have it already as premium WA member), which could save a lot of time as same way as the hosting services. Also the other members are supportive and you can get feedback on your content, design, which is absolutely useful and also unique tool. You can really get a lof of different views and feedbacks on your website and sometimes it could be crutial for getting the traffic.

    Anyway, thank you for your great overview and I am looking forward to many other useful suggestion how to earn money on internet and work from home.

    Bye Renata

    • While youtube is indeed a great resource for tips on how to earn online and build a site with WordPress, I disagree that it’s a place you can get structured, step by step instructions from start to finish on building a real online business. They’re all selling something so they’ll never divulge everything or they won’t make money from you.

      WA, however, has a no spam policy, which is there to protect us all from people trying to make money from us. I recommend you follow the affiliate training to the letter by Kyle, many a super affiliate he has trained. Embelish your knowledge later on, by all means, using things like youtube. I just think while you’re learning the ropes that Youtube is a big distraction and might teach you things that don’t work at all, or even worse, do a lot of harm to your progress and success.

      Thanks for dropping by, Renata.

  18. Hi Jimbo!

    What a comprehensive and good review of WA! I’ve been a member for over a year and I wish I would have stumbled upon this back then! WA provides without a doubt some of the best training in the industry and the support you get from the WA community is second to none!

    Great post! I am bookmarking for future reference!

    Talk soon!


  19. WA really is a great place, I’ve learned so much about making money online in WA, this article is the most detailed review of wealthy affiliate I’ve read. I love the WA training!

  20. Excellent and very comprehensive review about Wealthy Affiliate.Whoever want to join Wealthy Affiliate they will get broad knowledge from here and will understand how they can establish their online business from Wealthy Affiliate.Thanks again for your great review.

  21. Amazing information. I am a member now, but you have inspired me to keep going. You imagery is amazing! This could be training in itself. Awesome content.

  22. Wow james. Incredibly thorough. I had no idea about the classroom feature as I am still going through step by step. I had been trying to master the online game for awhile and was always getting tripped up. Now I feel good. Thanks for the informative post.

  23. Hi Jimbo thanks for the great review of Wealthy Affiliate. Very detailed and it looks like you’ve left no stone unturned. I’m joining up right now and I will see you on the inside like you promised.

    • Thanks for the kind words, Iris. Delighted you’ve decided to join up through my site. And I don’t see why not, since it’s free to start there’s nothing to lose. Just about everyone who joins for free and gives it a proper look tends to take it seriously. Let me know inside if and when you get stuck and I’ll help you out.

      • I have been reading all the positive information that wealthy affiliate does for individuals that stick with it and do not give up. I do not give up on things so I do believe this is a time in my life for me to become more of a positive successful individual because of you giving me a chance and you don’t even know me. I want to thank you babe I will see you the other side.

      • At the end of my comment it is stated “I want to thank you babe” was supposed to say ” I want to thank you James”

  24. This is truly great and speaking about details. The testimonials speak for themselves. I too am with WA and enjoying every moment of it. I love that it is not a get rich quick scheme and that we are taught to work hard, but smart. Continued success.

    • You touched upon something very important there, Josephine. You mentioned it’s not a get rich quick scheme. Too many programs these days will promise the earth for little to no effort on your part. Avoid those schemes and get down to the nitty gritty. Really there is no shortcut to earning a lot of money online other than taking it seriously, doing the work and being smart with your time. Thanks for dropping by, Josephine. Contact me inside Wealthy Afiliate if you need any advice, help, or tips.

  25. It is really good to know there are no upsells whatsoever at Wealthy Affiliate. If you are a good businessman, you can make a lot of money when you upsell people. More often than not those people are sleazeballs though (pardon my French :)).

    It is good to know Kyle and Carson are better than that. I am interested already. No one should have to worry about constantly being sold to. I am glad this program is a safe haven in a sea of scams.

    Thank you for sharing and I hope you make it a great day!

    • Not having any upsells is one of the best benefits of WA, Alex. Another benefit is that there is a strict “no spam” policy which prevents other members trying to get you to signup for something they’re promoting.
      Thanks for the comment today buddy!

  26. Hey,

    Great review and thanks for sharing.

    I have been with Wealthy Affiliate for a while and still going through their training. I think its great how honest you are in the review. It is very positive but also advising people the cons that you have personally found will definitely help people, especially me.

    Thank again for sharing and keep up the great work.


    • Hi there, Tom. Thanks for dropping by today. As with anything in life, there are some cons. However, I do stand by Wealthy Affiliate 100%, because in my years online in this space, I’ve never found anything to compete with it. I wish you luck on your journey to financial freedom. If you get stuck, let me know inside WA and I’ll help out!

  27. This is so detailed an article about working and earning money via Wealthy Affiliate. I also have a website and I use Wealthy Affiliate and I can say from my experience that all you have mentioned is so true. It is indeed an amazing platform. Thank you for sharing such detailed information, some of which I wasn’t aware of yet. I really appreciate your effort and work. Looking forward to more useful posts…:)

  28. Wow! What a great post! So informative. I can see a ton of work went into this for certain. Very encouraging, very real…I like how you give the pros and the cons of WA.

  29. Wow, this is a fantastic (although long) compilation of everything offered with Wealthy Affiliate. I decided to take a test drive a couple of weeks ago, and have learned so much from the training and community. However, I learned a lot from your website as well. Thanks for the explanations!

  30. James, this is a great review.
    You’ve taken me through the WA journey to a newer and more honest level I didn’t know. The clarity, detail and engagement has totally satisfied me and made me sure that Wealthy Affiliate is the right place to be.

  31. Well crafted. How did you assemble all these information from the website and put all together?. Beautifully organized and convincing. Well done. Again we just need to know that no country is free of scams. They are everywhere so to apply restrictions to some poor countries because they are perceived as scammers may not sound right. Though I am scared of falling prey to godless minded individuals.

    • Oh I don’t think that just because someone doesn’t believe in gods that they are scammers. Plenty of decent, law-abiding atheists around, Gina.
      Thanks for popping in today and good luck on your journey.

  32. Wow, very comprehensive. After having spent one week at WA, and only 4 days as a premium member, I already feel like I’ve gotten amazing training. It’s conveyed in such a clear, engaging way that I’m finding myself jumping on WA every chance I can get to learn the next step, get a question answered or tweak my website. The community is available literally 24/7.

    I’ve been wanting to start my own website for years, and now I can foresee myself actually making a business out of it after having only started a week ago – my entire mentality and perspective has changed, and I’m really excited about what will come of this.


  33. Hi,
    Thank you for a detailed review.
    I have still some confusions about this program, I would be really thankful if you can answer these..

    1) On one of the blog I was reading that WA do not teach how to create Conversion Focused Websites, is that true?

    2) SEO : do WA tells complete advance SEO techniques to rank in search engines, complete SEO (on-page + off-page with exact methods) or they simply give basic/rough idea about SEO?

    3) Budget & Expenses : Since I am a student and doing blogging as a part time, I have a limited budget. I would like to know how much budget or amount in total should I have (or idea about amount in my mind before starting) to create a site basically for Amazon Affiliate & then start generating sales (limited budget so can’t go for paid Adds, will be focusing totally on SEO)

    • Hi there, Jack. Some good questions there.

      1) Wealthy Affiliate teaches how to create/write content that converts. If they didn’t teach bloggers how to write to convert, people wouldn’t remain as members for years, and they certainly wouldn’t make much revenue. You can go as deep or shallow into conversion focus as you like with WA. There is training and articles inside that date right back to 2005. Imagine hundreds of thousands of members over those years creating content inside of WA (blog posts, training). There is oodles of stuff for every single facet of online business. I don’t know where you’ve been reading, sounds like someone isn’t knowledgeable enough or hasn’t been with Wealthy Affiliate long enough to know any different. Jay, Wealthy Affiliate’s live training coach always has lots of trainings in his weekly webclass to help us out with conversions. That’s what Wealthy Affiliate is about. No point in teaching people to create content on a WordPress website if they aren’t making money.

      2) As with conversions training, there is a lot of deep SEO training. I’ve used just the basic SEO training and ranked on page one within minutes of publishing many articles. And I’m not good at keyword research and all that SEO malarkey. If I can rank on page one for multiple articles using just the very basic SEO trainings at WA, then anyone can, believe me on that! Yes, you can go as deep as you like with SEO, on-page and off-page. Again, there are thousands of trainings and blog posts as well as many live training classes that were recorded over the years to delve into as well. You will never get to see all of it, because there simply is too much of it. Think:Encyclopedia Britannica! Think Wikipedia for affiliate marketers and bloggers.

      3) Did you not notice the parts where I say there’s a free starter account available for anyone who wants to give Wealthy Affiliate a try? No strings attached? Take it. If you do go premium, it will cost you NO MORE than $49 a month. And if you go yearly, you’ll save a lot on your monthly expenses. If you’re serious about affiliate marketing, blogging, WordPress, SEO, Keyword Research, Conversions, Traffic, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, and earning a ton of money from your website, then it’s a no-brainer. It doesn’t work if you’re not willing to take the steps to make it work. It’s like anything in life. If you want to be a premier league footballer and you’re unwilling to even go to any training classes then you’re not going to become a premier league football player.

      Yes, the training and implementation of that training takes time. But do you really expect you’ll start making money right off the bat when you join ANY program online? It’s time to get real. A real business takes real effort. And if someone is not willing to even work on their own business, then they’re doomed to failure no matter what program they join. People want all the results but don’t want to do the work to get there. Shame really because there is a ton of money that can be made when doing this stuff properly. Most will have to go work a day job for 50 years and then retire on a measly pension. And they think working a day job isn’t a scam. It’s the biggest scam in human history, is the J.O.B. Invest in yourself, Jack. That means time to learn stuff and time to implement it. Then you will earn.

      Thanks for the great questions.

  34. I am a newbie at Wealthy Affiliate and I know I have made the best decision of my life.
    I found your comprehensive explanation of what Wealthy Affiliate is all about enthralling and informative. If you are a “just looking candidate” I suggest you use the convenient index links to navigate to the sections that answer your specific questions.
    There is a wealth of information here, some of which is more relevant to an insider like me.
    On that note, Jim I have a question:
    At what appropriate level of training do I get to add the Affiliate links that will monetize my niche website?
    Jim you make me want to jump from Level 2 OEC to Bootcamp, it sounds full of exciting action!
    Not being particularly tech savvy I am sure your answer would be “do OEC first and build your solid foundation”.
    Thank you for this brilliant look at Wealthy Affiliate.
    Aussie Jill

    • Hi Jill thanks for dropping by.
      In reply to your question about when to add affiliate links to posts…Well, it’s a matter of how much content you have published. It’s pointless cramming affiliate links into a brand new site with only 1 or 2 posts because you’re not going to be getting much (if any) traffic yet. So nobody will be clicking on your links anyway.
      I would say after 5 articles go and add some links. You should be getting a little bit of traffic at that point (if you’ve done the training steps properly) from the likes of social media.
      And in regards to your other question about OEC compared to Bootcamp at WA. All the same principles will apply, it’s just that the bootcamp is tailored for people who are more into the digital marketing/make money online/home business/work from home niches. In the OEC it’s more about physical products (but not exclusively so) than it is about digital marketing stuff.
      Thanks for popping in, Jill.

  35. Wow what an article. I love your sense of humor here an there. I totally agree with your review. WA has been a god send for me and the PEOPLE oh the PEOPLE! They are so helpful. Talk about being overwhelmed. OH MY I was. I was so overwhelmed in the beginning I was frozen! It is all coming so much easier now, and though I am no where near I want to be I’m further along than I’ve ever been with some of the other training’s out there. I found my home at WA and the cost is very affordable! in my opinion.

    • Hi Susan, I agree with your point about the many helpful people there. Thankfully, there are far more helpful people at Wealthy Affiliate than there are unhelpful, rude people who think they’re entitled to something from the moment they join.
      Thanks for popping in! Look me up inside WA, my username is Jim-Bo.
      Have a cool day!

  36. I joined WA about a month back and I am so impressed with the training and the help. Thanks for the incredibly detailed post. I would love to hear a little more about your success story sometime as I was considering the Wealthy Affiliate’s Bootcamp before I came up with my own niche.

  37. Thanks for the great review on wealthy affiliate James. I started using it and it seems very promising. Just a quick question, how do you find the motivation and inspiration to writing contents for the site?

    • First thing is you have to love your niche. After that, it’s simply a matter of ideas you generate while surfing the net and visiting others’ in your niche. You might see a video on youtube that you like and agree with (or disgree with), so you could then create a blog post about the topic and give your own take/spin on things.
      You might see a tutorial on list building techniques, how to get traffic from Facebook groups or how to post on Twitter, etc. There’s plenty of content ideas out there on the internet to spark some creativity for your own blog.
      Thanks for dropping by!

  38. This is a very detailed post. I just joined WA a couple of weeks ago and learning so much already. I have been a struggling blogger for a few years and wish I would have come across this site and its training a long time ago.

    • It’s certainly a struggle without the right training, Angie! Do yourself a big favour and stick with it. It’ll come. More content on your site = more keywords covered = more website visitors = more revenue. It really is as simple as that. Keep blogging.
      Thanks for dropping in today.

  39. Hi James,

    Being a member of WA myself I was surprised what you get for free signing up. I was fresh out of a scam site and so I was feeling very distrustful of everything online.

    When I saw they do not require a credit card to begin – I gave them a shot. A real shot in the dark as I was desperate to find something online that was NOT a scam, without a sign up fee, and with a trial run to see if it was for me.

    Well, many moons later I am happy to report that I am earning consistently. You need to work at it, and so expect some time to pass by before some level of success, but layer by layer of work efforts it all snowballs together as a juganaught of success.

    Thanks for the up date on Wealthy Affiliate in 2018 – Philip.

    • Yes it’s the best advice that can be given, is to be consistent and you’ll start earning more and more. Those that do stick with it are really happy with the outcome. Pains me to see so many people struggling to earn online and watching them jump from one thing to another with zero success. It’s because they don’t stick with one thing. I know the training works, else I’d not be there 3.5 years now. I ain’t quitting any time soon.
      Thanks Philip for dropping by today.

  40. This is so well presented Jimbo – I just “rejoined” WA after quitting, have wasted my time out in cyberspace chasing shiny objects getting nowhere only to realise WA had all the tools, the system and the support ALL along !

    • This happens a lot, Chrissie! Shiny objects keep most people from success. People leave WA and come back a year or two later realizing they’ve got it all under one roof and they never should have left. 1 or 2 years is more than enough time to start earning decent money online. Don’t quit!

  41. Wow. I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate and have been for over a year and even I have learned so much more from this article.

    I agree with you it is a superb platform, especially for newbies who aren’t confident with how to get a website started.

    Thank you for the post I am better off for reading it!

    • Thanks for dropping in and commenting, Andy. I think your Gravatar is broken, can’t see you image here in comments. There’s some training on that within WA. Just search for “Gravatar” in the top search box. If you get stuck, let me know inside WA and I’ll point you to a specific how to video. My username is Jim-Bo there.
      Tada, and best of luck.

  42. Wow! the amount of detail! I am already a member and love it, I don’t think I would have been this dedicated to working on my blog if it wasn’t for Wealthy Affiliate. The support on every level is amazing, the tutorials, the workshops, the webinars…. it’s just amazing I don’t even find the time to go through everything because of how broad it is. Thank you Jim as well, You have been one of the greatest supporters. I advise everyone to register with Wealthy Affiliates, you get much more than what you pay for.
    All the best!

  43. this is an absolute BOMB SHELL of a post. I WISH i could pull this off. The amount of details, research and affiliate links you’ve managed to put into this one post must have taken you a week to write. Do you mind my asking how long it did take to write all of this and get all the content ready?
    This is probably the BEST post i’ve seen in terms of content, affiliate marketing, marketing and promoting your niche.
    Great job, and i look forward to your next post.
    Love & smiles,

  44. Wealthy affiliate is am amazing platform with a great help available all the time. I am also working for my website on wealthy affiliate and really happy. I really wants to appreciate your work, especially this article is really good and helpful for everyone and newcomers too. I loved the way you have explained every bit of it, I am really looking forward for more reads from you, thank you.

    • I take it you’re a member by the content of your comment, Ron.
      Thanks for dropping in. If you want to look my up inside WA, my username is Jim-Bo there.
      Thanks mate.

  45. Hi Jim-Bo,

    Wealthy Affiliate is a real deal! Your review is out of this world man. I have been doing my work through them for a while now, and I have nothing to say except they are the best place to start your own business online. It is an enormous pleasure to find a review this comprehensive because I always see something new about Wealthy Affiliate which opens a new door for me. That is what I like about this platform the most; there is still a new door to open somewhere.

    Ignore The Pointless Stuff By Some Members Who Waste Time – big thanks for this one! I had encountered some time-wasters over there. Some people are members just to meet and chat at first place, and they unconsciously waste time to other members who are there to do some serious work, and have the fun of course, but in a healthy balance.

    All in all, once again great Wealthy Affiliate review! Keep up an excellent work my friend.

    All the best,

  46. WA sounds amazing. I will definitely have a look at it and see what it’s about. I’ve been looking for reviews on Wealthy Affiliate in Google, but most reviews are short and don’t even answer my questions. Thanks for answering each and every question about WA and even more that I hadn’t thought about.

    • If you’re thinking of taking a look at it, you might as well since there’s a free trial available. Click on my link and you’ll get my help once inside, of course!
      Thanks for dropping in, Florin!

  47. What an extensive write-up about Wealthy Affiliate. Good job Jimbo. I don’t think you left any questions unanswered. You sure have me convinced in giving Wealthy Affiliate a fair chance. Thanks a lot for the very detailed and thorough review!

  48. Wow! That was packed full of what is happening, or not. I have been a member for a few months. I don’t have a great ranking, and have been concerned about that.
    Thanks for clarifying many things on doubts and fears.
    Your words have brought new life and hope to my cause.

  49. Great review – many thanks for this Jim 🙂
    Your insights into the internal ranking system was very interesting. I think that the nature of WA is that the community helps you, so of course you should also participate in the community and help others. But trying to earn points for the sake of it isn’t valuable – totally agree. I will take your thoughts on board – very much appreciated.

    • I think the ranking system is designed just to get people to focus on their ranking and keep them at Wealthy Affiliate for longer. Seems a lot of people are absolutely obsessed with their rank and get very upset if they drop a few points. As I mentioned, I was an ambassador for almost a year, and it did not make the slightest bit of difference to my success with my website and it was only when I stopped trying to maintain my top 25 rank that I started making more money.
      Thanks for dropping in, Brendan!

  50. Wow, this is the most thorough review I’ve ever read and much needed one too. A lot of people try products and services for a short while just to do a review and those are not helpful at all. To understand WA in all details, this is all I needed. I can’t think of anything else because you covered everything and more. A review like this is valuable because of the time, patience, keen observation, and effort you took to make this for people like myself. I’ve been a victim of one of those get rich quick scam but WA actually sounds refreshing and promising to me. I’ll bookmark the page for future reference. Thanks a lot for this review!

  51. I’m only a month and a half into WA and really appreciate the transparent honesty from your post. I’m very new when it comes to affiliate marketing and still going through WA training..have not even started the WA boot camp yet ! It is true though there are some new member out there that tend leave some bad or false advice. I try and follow the ones who seem to have experience and great knowledge to share with others. Not only is this post very honest it also motivated me even more to continue with my training and reach my goals. Can’t thank you enough for this !

    • Hey there, Fernando. Thanks for commenting. Glad you’re a member of WA, you can find me inside and my username is Jim-Bo there.
      The bootcamp is fine for you if you’re into the “make money online” niche. The green button top left on your dashboard is for any other niche and is called the online entrepreneur certification course. Want to promote Amazon products? That’s the training you’ll want to follow. Want to promote WordPress themes, plugins, autoresponders, Wealthy Affiliate, keyword tools, affiliate training products? Then the bootcamp will be perfect for you.
      The actual processes are the same in bootcamp or the OEP training. Most stuff in the bootcamp is all digital products mainly.

  52. It’s refreshing to read an honest review of Wealthy Affiliate, warts and all. So many reviews sing the praises of the product/service without mentioning the not so good aspects.

    I now feel happy to take that free trial without worrying about having my credit card charged.

    Thank you.

    • I believe in 100% transparency, Sylvia. If you’re 100% transparent in your recommendations you can sleep soundly at night knowing you’ve provided value to your readers.
      And to prove my transparency, when you join Wealthy Affiliate through my link here >>> START YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS WITH ME HERE <<< I will prove to you that I actually help my referrals and not leave them in the lurch like many other members do. Thanks for popping in, Sylvia!

  53. Wow, this is such a detailed response and well worth the read! You have provided a lot of great advice which I thank you for! Definitely going to give this platform a shot!

  54. fantastic review of WA, an affiliate marketing website i love too, and your review make it easier for people to understand more about WA, perhaps Carson can take some cue here to improve the website a bit!!!

    i was looking for some reviews on the various training and bootcamp in WA, since i joined until now, i have not finished all the training yet.

    Great Job, James

    • Everyone who joins loves WA. Mind you, there’s the occasional person who joins and thinks money is going to start pouring into their bank accounts with zero work. I wish those types wouldn’t join actually, waste of time and effort convincing them to actually work on their blogs.
      Thanks for dropping in today, Teo!

  55. What a thorough review of Wealthy Affiliate! I joined the premium account a few days ago and am really enjoying the training so it is really cool to see someone who has been here since 2015 write a review about it and see what they have to say about it. I learnt heaps of new things so thanks!

    • It’s not perfect, Marcus, but I haven’t discovered anything else that comes close.
      Thanks for the visit to my site, mate.

      My username, by the way, at Wealthy Affiliate is Jim-Bo. Look me up!

  56. Wow, incredible review of Wealthy Affiliate. I have used their services extensively and have gone through all of their trainings, I love every bit of it.

    I think you are very right when you say that it isn’t for everyone. There are many aspects of creating content, website creation and marketing that must be learned.

    I do love how you included some great testimonials, especially the one showing how that guy made so much money in a matter of a month. Truly inspirational!

  57. Having been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for a month and half now, I am seriously kicking myself for not joining A LOT SOONER! Seriously, I was working a McDonalds in my early 20’s and I tried to get out of the rat race but, just ended up buying scams and crap products wasting tons of time and money, chasing the shiny objects of the internet. Now, in my 30’s I am SO glad I found WA and the community to help me actually make money online and quit working dead end jobs!

    Thanks for the awesome very-thorough review

  58. I joined Wealthy Affiliate over a year now, and I am still learning. As a matter of fact, I started the Bootcamp training and I have not yet completed it. There is so much to learn on this platform. I am amazed at the library of information it has to prepare you for online success. Information on my website has attracted some referrals. The challenge I have though is that no one goes premium. What advice do you have for me to convince my referrals to go premium?

    • Hi there, Carol. The best way to encourage referrals to go premium is to “prime” them before they join. You have to tell them the truth, which is Wealthy Affiliate isn’t a “get rich quick” scheme and they have to actually work on their online business.
      This is hard with many people because they’ve been programmed already to believe that making money online will happen overnight with a push of a few buttons. Real businesses take time to build, but yes they can earn as they learn.
      Also, offer some bonuses for going premium. And tell them that they will be getting 1 on 1 help from you. When they do go premium, make sure you actually DO help them like you promised.
      Great question, Carol!

  59. Great, informative post Jim! I can honestly say that Wealthy Affiliate is a great training for affiliate marketing. I’ve only been in the training for a month, but I can already see how beneficial it will be for me in the long-term!

    • Absolutely, Ashley. It beats going to university to study hard for a degree and then not getting the job you wanted in the end. That happens a lot these days. You can learn affiliate marketing for a fraction of the cost of university or college education, and you can stay home while you do it.
      It’s great if you’ve already got a part time or full time job also because the training is something you can do at your own pace, whether it’s an hour a day or 12 hours a day.
      I wish WA had existed way back when I first left school, I’d be a lot better off and wouldn’t have to work all of those jobs I hated.
      Many people get a degree and then get the job they wanted, only to realize after a couple of years that the job wasn’t exactly what they thought it was going to be. They hate it and regret wasting their time. Another thing is that jobs these days are not secure like they used to be. CEOs can get fired so easily these days. Imagine that.
      Thanks for the visit, Ashley. Look me up inside Wealthy Affiliate, my username is Jim-Bo.

  60. Thank you for this review on Wealthy Affiliate. It’s good to see that anyone can dive in and give it a go, because most people think online business opportunities aren’t for them and you’ve just gone and proven anyone can do it! I’m going to give it a go asap!

    • I love your attitude, Brandon. It is the way to go. If you have any questions, need some help or advice, let me know inside Wealthy Affiliate. My username there is Jim-Bo.
      Take it easy, but not too easy, there’s work to be done when creating a profitable business online mate!

  61. James:

    I must say you covered all the ABC’s of affiliate marketing in an easy to understand format. The analogy you used to explain affiliate marketing was excellent. I am embarrassed to say especially since I have been a WA member for a couple of months, that I did not know about a commision strategy for premium members! Now I do!

    I agree that it is best to not get sucked into Live Chat. That time as you point out is better spent building your business.

    Honestly I am struggling with who to listen to for advice. I have not figured out who I should be listening to for sound advice. Is there anything you can provide to help me know?

    So far my experience with WA has been as promised. The “sticktoitness” is absolutely critical as you point out. I need the Pat Flynn stories ever so often to help me with my “sticktoitness”

    Thanks again for the excellent and honest evaluation

    • Hey John, thanks for the question.
      The advice you should listen to is the advice that other members tend to agree with. For example if you’re in live chat asking a question about affiliate marketing or WordPress or something else related to your online biz, then make sure others in live chat agree with whoever gives an answer.
      The same will go for when you ask a question under a training video or a text tutorial or blog post there. Hang about (refresh the page) and wait to see if anyone agrees/disagrees with the answer you were given.
      Failing that, contact the person who referred you to Wealthy Affiliate.
      And failing that, contact Kyle, Carson, Jay, or someone you know to be experienced (you will learn as you go who is most experienced).
      Some of the ambassadors are very knowledgeable, some are not so.
      Yes mate you have got to stick to it to make it work. It is a real online business you’re building and as they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day!
      Thanks for dropping in, John!

  62. Having been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for a month and half now, I am seriously kicking myself for not joining A LOT SOONER! Seriously, I was working a McDonalds in my early 20’s and I tried to get out of the rat race but, just ended up buying scams and crap products wasting tons of time and money, chasing the shiny objects of the internet. Now, in my 30’s I am SO glad I found WA and the community to help me actually make money online and quit working dead end jobs!

    Thanks for the awesome very-thorough review

    • Hi Justin and thanks for popping in to my site here. I had a McDonald’s job in my early twenties, too! I didn’t like it apart from the free meal we’d get half way through a shift. In fact I’ve had more jobs than I can count on all my fingers and toes and then some. All of them were more or less dead end jobs. I hate working for someone else and that’s probably why I took to affiliate marketing like a duck to water. The best thing is you are your own boss. You take the day off if you feel like it, you sleep when you want and wake when you want. You spend time with your kids when it’s important, too. Yes I love this lifestyle and I won’t ever give it up now.
      Thanks for the comment.

  63. Wow, incredible review of Wealthy Affiliate. I have used their services extensively and have gone through all of their trainings, I love every bit of it.

    I think you are very right when you say that it isn’t for everyone. There are many aspects of creating content, website creation and marketing that must be learned.

    I do love how you included some great testimonials, especially the one showing how that guy made so much money in a matter of a month. Truly inspirational!

    • There are lots of success stories like that one inside of WA, Jacob. All it takes is some elbow grease, work on the training, learn new things, and there really is no limit to what an affiliate marketer (blogger) can make per month.
      Thanks for popping in for a chat.

  64. Hi, James

    I’m a WA member, and I’m going to back up everything you’ve said here. Especially that part where you have to work at it. It’s not “easy money” or “overnight riches.” But one of the things I like about WA is that it is so motivating. I don’t feel like slapping up a website and then sitting back to see how it grows. There is so much opportunity and encouragement to tend that website like it’s a little garden. I’ve never regretted clicking that green go button.

    • Content is King, Kelli. The whole point of having a WordPress blog/website is to put your content on to it. The more content you create, the more traffic you get to your site. It is really as simple as that.
      It is like a little garden. It’s an analogy I sometimes use. Each blog post is a little seed you’ve planted. When the seed is taken care of, it grows into a tree. The tree has fruit on it that you can pick off time and time again.
      Thanks for the comment, Kelli.

  65. What a thorough review of Wealthy Affiliate! I joined the premium account a few days ago and am really enjoying the training so it is really cool to see someone who has been here since 2015 write a review about it and see what they have to say about it. I learnt heaps of new things so thanks!

    • It’s not perfect, Marcus, but I haven’t discovered anything else that comes close.
      Thanks for the visit to my site, mate.

      My username, by the way, at Wealthy Affiliate is Jim-Bo. Look me up!

  66. Hello James,

    You’ll get no argument from me about the outstanding never ending benefits we receive as premium members of WA. I completed my training but find myself going back over things as a refresher. In the meantime things are always changing and we have to keep up,

    I did have some experiences where I was being given the wrong information in chat. But someone else would chime in and suggest the correct answer and/or link to find the information I needed.

    Thank you for not trying to sugar coat everything. This business requires you to put in the time and work and eventually reap the rewards.

    All the best,

    V. Pearl

    • Yes be careful there, Vanna. Sometimes in live chat you can listen to the wrong advice. It can be a case of the blind leading the blind. Make sure you’re listening to advice which isn’t from a beginner.
      Thanks for popping in today!

  67. What a great read, excellent review, however I’m reluctant to join this system mainly because I’ve always seen people only promoting it; don’t get me wrong I understand you as an affiliate need to promote a product in order to get paid for doing so, but I was wondering why we never see other products being promoted beside WA, or we never see proof of people earning promoting other things besides WA? or maybe there are and we’re not looking hard enough? Do you have any proof of other people making money in other niches not related to making money online? or if you’ve ever ventured into any other niche that would also be helpful if you could share that.

    Thank you in advance,
    Antonio Calcano

    • Hi there, Antonio. I understand your reluctance and your hesitance. The truth is, most people inside Wealthy Affiliate “do NOT” promote Wealthy Affiliate and are in other niches, some are promoting things from Amazon and Best Buy etc.
      I have never promoted anything in other niches as my passion is digital marketing, WordPress, Hosting companies, Tools and services in this niche. Wealthy Affiliate is just one of the tools and services in this niche that I do promote. You’ll see by perusing my site a while that I do actually recommend other things too which have no relation to Wealthy Affiliate.
      However, having said all of that, since there is a free trial available I wonder why you could be so hesitant to join and see for yourself what it’s like?
      Thanks for the questions, Antonio!

  68. Hi James,
    This is a Great review! You have covered every part of Wealthy affiliate benefits. It is a great platform to learn and earn from Affiliate Marketing. People who join WA will definitely get benefited!

    • Hi there, Kavitha. There’s more benefits I couldn’t add as the review was getting too long.
      Thanks for dropping in today. Look me up inside WA, my username is Jim-Bo
      bye for now.

  69. You have just proved why Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to learn Internet Marketing in it’s entirety. They truly have everything you need to start and be ultimately successful with. Thank you for the extreme detailed outline. I’m a member and I’d totally recommend to join no matter what experience you have.

    • I agree Jeremiah. No matter what level you’re at, there’s a lot at Wealthy Affiliate for you. You might even have a ton of experience to share with fellow entrepreneurs who need it.
      Great point, Jeremiah.
      Thanks for the comment.
      Look me up inside WA, my username is Jim-bo.
      Tada for now.

  70. I know about Wealthy Affiliate. I wish I joined the school (I call it a school) when I first came across it 4 years ago. The training there is amazing and actually worthwhile. I am confident that it is the very best for internet marketing.

    • I’ll bet you’re kicking yourself that you didn’t join back in 2014. Still, you’re there now and there’s no need for anything else from here on out. Good luck in your journey and if you need any help don’t hesitate to hit me up inside, my profile username is Jim-bo.

  71. Great review of WA. I joined in early October and can honestly say affiliate marketing is definitely something I’ve come to recommend; I didn’t even know what it was sixty days ago or anything about WA. Once I came across it, I was hooked, and the rest is history. While I’ve yet to make any big sales, I’ve made two small ones and every time I check my website, I find I’m getting indexed more often, another sign this system works.

    It’s not a get rich quick scheme and I still have my day job, but it’s by far the greatest investment I’ve made and have already seen some initial results.

    • That’s the spirit, Todd. Just like you, back in 2015, I didn’t know what “affiliate marketing” was, either. The words sounded scary to me, like something you’d need to go to university and get a degree for.
      But the truth is it’s dead simple. An affiliate is someone who “knows” someone and recommends a product they sell. That simple. Like telling your friend that the restaurant round the corner is great because it has XZY and the food is delicious.
      I’m pleased you’ve had some sales. Keep going, it will grow with time like a snowball to a point where you cannot believe what you’re seeing.
      Happy days, Todd!

  72. Wow! This is truly a lot of reading, but I can appreciate some of the things that you blogged.

    1. I’m glad that you mention that blogging/or this Wealthy Affiliate business takes time. I see so many ads that say that you can make money quickly. Fast money usually leads to problems.

    2. I also appreciate that you list the con’s. I do see a lot of people promoting WA. Usually people say good stuff about it. I’m glad to hear an objective review.

    • You’re right, Lane. Too many are misguided and truly believe there is a fast way to make money online. Chasing those fast ways is actually the slow way. Because it will prevent you from building a profitable business online the right way.
      Thanks for popping in, Lane.

  73. James, this article is very detailed and fun to read. Thank you for sharing your knowledge of this online business. I feel there were some very good points to take away from this.

    Many thanks again!
    Best of luck with all your business!


  74. Wow, what an in-depth review. I feel that you covered pretty much everything there is to know about Wealthy Affiliate, which means people who join are fully informed and know exactly what they can expect…no hidden surprises.

    It’s nice to see that you share the good and the not so good about WA, and you provided results of real people making money with WA.

    Wishing you all the best in your WA journey 🙂

    • Hi Stephanie,
      3 and a half years’ experience already, where has the time gone. I’ve learned heaps and there’s so much at WA that one can learn if they want to. There’s so many facets to affiliate marketing, no two sites are set up the same, etc.
      Yes I wanted this review to be brutally honest and not paint it as the perfect place for everyone, because not everyone will appreciate that a real business online takes training, action and persistence.
      Thanks for popping by, nice to meet you. And best of luck in your WA journey too! I will connect with you inside WA when I find your profile!
      Tada for now.

  75. Wow Great Information here.
    Was going to ask a question about half way through but you covered that as well.
    Is it ok to ask you a question about this page? You got me sold on the post. My question is more of one about the post itself if that is ok. What plug in do you use for the social button and the first popdown menu. By the way I will be signing up
    sam frederiksen

    • Yes no problem, Sam. The plugin I’m currently using is called AddToAny Share Buttons and is free in the WordPress repository. There are so many to choose from such as social warfare as well. Try a few out and see what you like. Don’t have them all running together on your site though, that would be overkill.
      Thanks for dropping into my site, Sam!

  76. Wow. Jimbo this is really spot on. You have really covered all of the bases here. I read the comments too and you are absolutely right about the ranking system. It’s the only thing that I would change as well. But I do understand why they have it. Wishing you the best!

  77. Hi James,

    You have a piece of art here man! I really enjoyed reading and learning more from top to bottom. You have a very well laid out design and it’s easy to read through without any hardship. Deep down we all want something that will make us money but i like that early on you mentioned that we were going to find out if affiliate marketing was the right business model for me, for your readers. It doesn’t pay off to stop doing your job for some work that you wouldn’t like doing and I’m happy you made that clear. There is so much valuable information within Wealthy Affiliate that there is nothing that can compare to it, none, zero, nada. Thanks for mentioning the Black Friday deal that’s a pretty awesome offer that’s being given. Anyone looking to start a great passive income and home based business should need to think twice. It really is a blessing. Thank you for sharing a killer of a post on Wealthy Affiliate!

  78. Hey Jimbo,

    Man, that was a great read.

    The honesty and upfront disclaimer about you being a bit biased is so refreshing and great to read. You’re so right that it’s easier to write about what WA doesn’t include compared to what it does include too… it is very thorough!

    If you had to… I mean like someone had a gun to your head… what would you change/ add to WA?

    Thanks again for some amazing insights


    • What would I add to Wealthy Affiliate? I think the only thing I can think of is an email autoresponder, for example like Aweber, Getresponse, ConvertKit, etc. I really can’t think of anything else. Maybe the option to get a free premium WordPress theme? I think that would be asking too much though, lol.
      Thanks for dropping in Mike.

    • Oh, an after thought is…to remove the ranking system altogether at WA. Too many focus on their Wealthy Affiliate member rank and it doesn’t help one bit. It’s detrimental to one’s progress on one’s own website business, if you ask me! Take out the ranking system and people will work more on their own websites rather than trying to reach Ambassadorship. I was an Ambassador on no less than 3 separate occasions, and it didn’t help me in the slightest with my earnings from my websites. When I stopped focusing on keeping my Ambassador rank (top 25) then things started improving financially for me.

  79. James, this is an EXCELLENT review! I really love the depth of this! You got me read from the very first line all the way down to the last! Your copywriting was fantastic. Good on you for this review.

  80. Wow…you really put in lots of effort in this piece. Must have taken some days to craft it and I’m certain its giving you a great deal of exposure. I love your determination. On Wealthy Affiliate, I think it’s worth trying out.

  81. Great information on Wealthy Affiliate. Lots of great plusses but the one thing I take home is about the Community. The size and active participation of this community sets it apart from all other affiliate marketing programs.

    • Yes, I think the huge community is one of the biggest benefits there is at Wealthy Affiliate. It’s like an online university. Well I suppose it IS an online university. Inside you’ll find complete beginners, intermediates, and super-affiliates who’re making $50,000 USD a month or more. Great place to rub shoulders. And you know what they say? If you hang about with successful, you’re going to be more successful.
      Thanks for dropping in.

  82. What a nice post you wrote! I really enjoyed reading it and I could not be silent about your post so I decided to leave my comment here and say Thank You! For sharing this quality post with others.
    Actually this is exactly the information that I was looking for about wealthy affiliate and when I landed to your website and read this post, it answered all my questions in details.
    So I’m happy that you decided to write about this topic and share it with people. It’s very useful and can definitely be used as a great source for wealthy affiliate.
    I will come back to your website again for sure and I’m looking forward to read your new posts.)


    • Hi there, Ali. You caught me just before I went off to beddy byes. Thanks for the lovely comment. If you are a member at WA you can look for me. Jim-bo is my username.
      Thanks for dropping in, Ali!
      Take it easy, but not too easy.

  83. This a great representation of the entire WA system. I was leery of WA at first, but your review helped out me make sense of the platform.

    I think overall WA is an excellent place to learn the ropes of digital marketing and affiliate advertising. I’m enjoyin my time there and finding a lot of value in it.

    We’ll have to stay in touch as I continue my journey with them.

    • Hi there, fellow James.
      Everyone’s leery at first. I mean, there are a lot of scams and crappy products and services online that seem to just suck your money right out of your wallet or paypal account and offer nothing much in return. This review isn’t nearly as comprehensive as it could be, because there’s so much more inside of Wealthy Affiliate that I could add. The review is ridiculously long as it is, so heaven knows how long it would be if I went all out and included every single aspect inside the platform at WA.
      It’s perfect for beginners (as I was when I joined in 2015) and it’s also very well suited to those with plenty of experience. Great place to rub shoulders with super affiliates. No-brainer to me when I first joined I jumped on the premium membership and haven’t regretted a moment since. It’s become quite a big part of my life since then. I’ve met dozens and dozens of new friends with similar passions to me (building websites, making money on the internet, working from home or anywhere).
      Too bad that most people don’t see the huge benefits of WA and try to start up a business with no roadmap, no framework and no help along the way.
      Thanks for dropping in James. Look me up inside of WA, my username there is Jim-bo.
      Tada for now, and good luck on your journey to affiliate millions! 🙂

  84. Wow Jimbo – I must say, that was absolutely the most in depth review I have ever read. You actually covered every nook and cranny and didn’t leave anything out. Great job in providing examples, answering questions and allowing the reader to choose whether Wealthy Affiliate is for them. I am still new to the community, but enjoying every bit of the training and what I am learning.

    I do agree that the live chat can be very distracting. My time is very limited, so I really only spend time on creating content and going through the trainings and as time allow, I try to engage. Once I am full time, then I suppose I will have more time for engagement. 🙂

  85. Hey Jimbo

    Thank you for a very in depth article about Wealthy Affiliate. I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate now for about 3 months and I do agree with what you have written.
    You have done an amazing job and your honesty is what is needed for those looking to dive into the water so to speak.



  86. Wow, really great and in-depth review of wealthy affiliate! This is so comprehensive and I can see where Wealthy Affiliate is a really great option for making money from home. I have been looking into them for a couple of years now actually and see sawing back and forth whether or not to join. Its a no brainer after reading this comprehensive reviews. Thanks!

    • Hi there, Matt’s Mom! 🙂
      You should definitely get stuck in to WA. It was established in 2005 and is evolving daily. It’s been around long enough to prove it is a legit training platform. Go ahead and join if you haven’t already.
      Live long and prosper!

  87. This has been a very informative read for and I am happy that I came across your site. Wealthy sounds excellent, there are so many companies out there that try to up sell you left right and centre. This can be alright if the up sell is of real value and you have loads of cash to spare.

    For me, I’ve been in business online for a while and when you start there are several costs that are hard to get away from. Like buying the domain and related software and extra subscriptions and if you want indepth training, many companies are charging $2000 upwards.

    Thanks for the read and I have saved your website to my bookmark bar.

    • WA isn’t perfect, but it is legit and not like those other companies where you have to pay to promote their products (like Mobe?)…
      Thanks for dropping by, if you joined WA, contact me inside and if you need any help let me know.

  88. One thing I love about Wealthy Affiliate is that they teach you to create and grow an online business in any niche. Most of the training I’ve wasted time with in the past only taught you how to promote their products instead of being able to create a business around a niche of your choice.

    I appreciate WA because I’ve not only learned how to create content and use keywords, but I’ve met new people and made new friends that are part of a supportive community.

    • Yes it is definitely worth mentioning that you make a lot of new friends in this field (affiliate marketing) when you’re a member of WA. Thanks for dropping in Aria!

  89. Wow! Well written and very in depth review!
    It’s quite long but worth reading.
    Being a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate for 3 months now, I totally agree with what you have said in here. And with the training and information that I get almost everyday— really helps a lot.

    I hope that this post reach a lot specially newbies. So they can start on the right foot.

    Good luck and wish you success.

  90. Hello jimbo, this is a VERY IMPRESSIVE review about wealthy affiliate, a super in-depth version.

    As a premium member of wealthy affiliate, I couldn’t agree more with nearly all the benefits you’ve mentioned as part of the community.

    Let’s continue to support and protect the “internet entrepreneur incubator” program.


    • Ha, I like that one, Chris. Internet entrepreneur incubator. I’ll have to remember that one! And it’s exactly what WA does, it incubates internet entrepreneurs, nurtures them so they grow best.
      Thanks for dropping in today Chris, connect with me on WA and we’ll have a chat.

  91. Hi James,

    Thanks for the review.

    It’s true that there are too many scams and poor products out there but Wealthy Affiliate is great. I’ve been a member since July and I’ve developed a pretty good blog in that time.

    I’ve a couple of questions for you:
    Are attributions necessary when embedding a YouTube video from someone else’s channel?
    Can I integrate my websites with MailChimp?

    All the best and thanks again,


    • Hi Robert, you’re right about all the scams out there on the internet, and all the stuff that is just low quality. Those things are what put most people off when deciding on building a business online for themselves. It’s a shame because we at Wealthy Affiliate have to work much harder to overcome “objections” from wary people who’ve been burned before.

      Congratz on being a member and getting up and running with a good blog thus far mate.
      Attribution is not necessary for embedding youtube videos on your website, if there’s a share option on Youtube below a video, it means you’re allowed by default to share without attribution. In fact, if you made a video and uploaded it on YouTube and I then embed it on my website, I’m actually helping “you” to get more views on your video, which is exactly what you would want, is it not?
      Mailchimp can be integrated with all your website mate. You will want to create a different “list” inside mailchimp for each site, though. Otherwise you’d have the wrong emails going out to the subscribers of one website from the other.
      I recommend if you’re a beginner to focus on just one website as you learn. If you shoot for too many sites, you’re spreading yourself too thin and your progress will be hampered. I tried building 2 sites for my first year so I know what happens. I got half the work done (less in fact) and ended up confused a lot with what needed doing on each site (mixing them up).
      Thanks for the questions mate.

  92. This was quite a thorough review. As a member of Wealthy Affiliate, I can attest to the potential you have with this site. I have learned so much since starting online. Online work is not in the future. It is here and now. I think it will become the reigning dogma of work, so you might as well get a jump on it now while you have the chance.

    If you ever need to learn something other than affiliate marketing or have detailed question, WA has got you covered. The site has all the experts for making a living online. You can sunbathe on the beach and make money at the same time.

    Thank you for sharing and I hope you make it a great day!

    • Thanks for dropping in, Alex.
      I agree with you in that working online is NOW, not just the future. And indeed everything has been thought of at Wealthy Affiliate in terms of training and tools to create a passive income lifestyle. It takes work to get going but very worth it.
      I’d rather work hard on my own business for a couple of years and reap the rewards for years to come, than to work a regular job for 50 years and get a measly pension, just to make someone else rich. Not for me.

  93. Hi Jimbo,

    Thanks for such a detailed review about Wealthy Affiliates. I actually started using the program 2 months ago and I’ve seen my first affiliate commission come through the other day!

    I really am enjoying the process and I’m following the training step by step so I’m still only on the 3rd course!

    A couple of questions:
    Do you share your income reports? What are your reasons for doing so/ not?
    Also what autoresponder would you recommend starting with?

    Thanks again for so much detail I learnt a lot about what is still to come!!


    • Hey Mike thanks for dropping in. I like that you’re a member already, this comment you’ve left will serve well as a Wealthy Affiliate testimonial for those reading the comments section here on my site.
      Okay, first things first.
      In answer to your 2 questions.

      1. No, I’m not really at a level yet where I’d be comfortable sharing my income reports. a) Because I haven’t reached my goals (yet, but I will) and b) because I’m not too clever with accounting related stuff. I’m not a mathematically inclined person and I’d probably just mess it all up anyways. I do sometimes tell people inside Wealthy Affiliate how much I made online the previous month, when I reach a milestone, such as best month ever.

      2. I did a training page which you can find at >>> THIS PAGE HERE <<< and it shows you how to set up a basic email list with Aweber. (>>> Click here to get a 1 month free trial <<<) Just for transparency, if you join Aweber through my link, I will receive a commission for getting you in. This is, of course, at no extra cost to you. And it helps to buy my goldfish food when he needs it. 🙂

      My top advice to anyone at Wealthy Affiliate is to just STICK to the training. Have complete and utter faith that it works (there’s plenty of living proof) and create as much quality content as you can, as often as you can. You WILL progress much faster and you WILL make money quicker, too. Which is what we all want, am I right?
      Thanks for the comment and questions, Mike.
      PS. Get your gravatar sorted out, Mike. It’s really easy and there’s training on that inside WA. Takes about 5 minutes when all’s said and done, and looks much nicer when you comment on someone’s site. (Can you see my gravatar? The handsome devil in the picture next to my comment? 🙂 ) That’s moi. lol.
      James. (Jimbo)

  94. Your article gives a comprehensive and detailed report about WA. It is also very convincing, but I am already a member. What do you think is the number one way of getting on googles front page.

    • Stick to the training in Wealthy Affiliate, Dahlia, and as your site gains “authority” in your niche, you’ll score page 1 for more and more posts (depending on keyword difficulty of course). For example, I’m NEVER going to be able to rank for the term “make money online” on page one of google, because it is one of the most competitive keywords ever. If you’re going to shoot for those types of competitive keywords you’re shooting yourself in the foot. Better going for long tail keywords, such as “how to make money online with affiliate marketing” and you’re more likely to grab a page one ranking. That’s why you should always use your free Jaaxy keyword research tool inside of Wealthy Affiliate’s platform. Check the searches per month, the estimated visitors per month (if you rank page one) and the competition and KQI (Keyword Quality Indicator).

      Thanks for the question, Dahlia.
      Good luck with your training and your website’s success.

  95. Wow, that is the most detailed review I’ve read regarding WA. If I wasn’t already a member, I would definitely be checking it out after reading this!
    How did you find Wealthy Affiliate and when?
    Thanks for ALL the information. It’s top notch.

    • Haha, yes, Laura, it is rather a detailed review. I could have written much more too, but didn’t want to bore everyone to death. There’s so much more at Wealthy Affiliate than meets the eye. No surprise there, since it was established in 2005, so much has been added to it.
      When did I join WA? That was in July 2015. I went yearly membership in November 2015 (no brainer for me as I was struggling financially at the time.) It allowed me to “commit” myself to 1 year of really sticking at it. It takes time does this blogging business. But the best thing about it is the low start up costs, and you can earn as you learn, too.
      I found Wealthy Affiliate in a make money online forum. There was a link that said “Are you STRUGGLING to make money online? >>> Click Here <<<

      And that was basically how I started my website. And I’m still loving every minute of it. Thanks for visiting my WA review, Laura.

  96. Great and fully comprehensive review. I fully understand what is required when I do start with Wealthy Affiliate, but just one question. When it comes to article marketing, how long should the articles be in order to gain and maintain rank in search engines?

    • Thanks for the great question, Derek.

      There is no definitive answer to your question about length of a post when blogging.
      However, the rule of thumb that I hear about is to shoot for about 1,500 words per post.

      If you have a post that is longer, great! You’ll rank better over time for LSI keywords. LSI means “latent semantic indexing”, a posh name for “other” related keywords that will occur naturally within a body of text.

      If I write an article on “make money online” or “how to start an online business for free” then many times within those articles I will naturally have other keywords which mean the same thing.

      For example, “earn cash on the internet” and “starting a business for free online” have similar meanings to the keywords I’m targeting in my 2 blog posts.

      So, when you write a nice long article it will naturally contain a lot of these LSI keywords and you can indeed generate traffic from them.

      Another example for you.

      I could get traffic to this very page because here in the comments section I mentioned “latent semantic indexing” in regards to keywords.

      You never know, sometimes an article you write with a certain set of keywords you’re trying to rank for will get you a lot of traffic from those “other” related keywords that you hadn’t even thought about.

      That’s why, I believe, the longer an article is, the more LSI keywords it will have, and as a result, you can get much more traffic than you expected.

      Hope this helps…

      Thanks for dropping in, Derek! Best of luck in your journey.



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