There seems to be a growing interest in one form of making money online and it is a method I tend to like the most.
So, what about affiliate marketing is so cool and why should you consider it if you're wanting to start making money on the internet?
Table of Contents
What About Affiliate Marketing is Cool?
Here's a list of pros and cons about affiliate marketing and I think you'll love the pros and not mind the cons too much.
The Pros of affiliate marketing
- You can start affiliate marketing with practically no investment.
- You can do it part time or full time.
- Anyone can become an affiliate marketer.
- Some affiliate programs give huge commissions of up to 75%.
- You'll get to choose what you promote/advertise on your website.
- There are products or services with recurring commissions.
- You can build an email list in tandem with your affiliate marketing website.
- Learn affiliate marketing for free.
- Get to play with your own website.
- You don't have to press friends & family into buying scammy MLM stuff.
- You'll make money when you sleep (passive income).
- It is not as difficult as it sounds.
- It's good fun.
- It can be extremely profitable if you learn it right.
- You get to work where and when you want as long as you have access to the internet.
- It's all legit, legal, above board and you sleep well at night knowing that.
What About Affiliate Marketing is Not So Cool?
The Cons of affiliate marketing are-
- It takes time to get your first commission. Sometimes months with no results. (Stick at it!!!)
- You have to learn lots of bits and pieces before the puzzle starts coming together.
- Can be frustrating at first until you start getting traffic to your website.
What is The Wealthy Affiliate About?
Like I pointed out in the pros above, you really can get started in affiliate marketing for no money down. Heck you can even get a free website these days with training and tools to help you make money online.
Now, there is a particular kind of mindset that you must adopt with affiliate marketing and this is the fact that you must not give up after not making a cent overnight.
Because affiliate marketing is a legitimate way to make money online and not one of those push button scam claims you just have to keep going until you start getting more traffic to your website.
Keyword research is important.
Why is Keyword Research Important?
Keywords are what people type into google when they search for information online. If you did your keyword research properly then you get good rankings and good rankings in the search engines will lead more visitors (traffic) to your website.
Simple, right?
It is simple if you use a keyword research tool. Jaaxy is my keyword research tool of choice. To read more about keyword research tools click here.
Content is King and keywords are queen. I like to remind myself of that every day because it's true. Your keyword rich content is what is going to get visitors from google search to your website.
Master the keyword research stuff and you're half way there.
I like to go for the low hanging fruit variety of keywords because there is less competition for those and it is easier to get to page one of the search engines. Enough said!
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What is an Affiliate Marketplace?
An affiliate marketplace is for example Clickbank. Clickbank is a place you go online to find digital products to promote on your website.
If I had a website in the niche of weight loss I could go to Clickbank and choose a product from there such as a dieting ebook. I would then promote that product on my weight loss website using targeted keywords.
People would then google those keywords and if they come to my website I might get them to buy that ebook through my affiliate link.
That's when I make a commission. The commission does not come out of the buyer's pocket, rather it comes from the person who wrote the ebook. You see, what has happened is I got that ebook author a new customer.
The customer pays the same for that ebook no matter where they buy it from. Think of that commission as your reward for sending new business to the author. Everyone wins.
Some affiliate programs offer big commissions and some offer recurring commissions. Recurring commissions are the best! Do you want a one off commission of 50% or do you want a recurring commission of 50% every month?
Nice, right? If you ever come across an affiliate program (marketplace) that charges you to be an affiliate then you should definitely run for the hills.
Can you imagine a shopkeeper charging you to go get him some extra customers? That isn't good business practice offline or online.
Who Can Do Affiliate Marketing?
Anyone who wants to try it can do it, including you! If you're looking for a new "career" or wanting to make money in your spare time from home you can do it and it doesn't cost a dime to get started at Wealthy Affiliate.
Want to take a look at my Wealthy Affiliate Review?.
Perhaps you're tired of being scammed out of your hard earned money? Are you sick of wasting your valuable time on pointless systems to make money online?
Maybe you're fed up of your job? Do you need to supplement your retirement funds? Need more money for college or university?
Want a new hobby?
Can't find a job? Been fired/laid off? The economy doesn't seem to be improving any time soon, does it?
So my suggestion to all those considering ways to make money online is that you go join Wealthy Affiliate and start your own online business today. Build a future for yourself with no BS included.
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Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away… Jim got a chronic case of sciatica and lost his job. However, Jim used this opportunity to learn how to build websites with WordPress and then to make money online. Jim wants to help you do the same, while helping you to avoid the plethora of scams. Let Jim help you earn your first $1000 online from home. Cheers and see you soon!