Cautious people naturally ask questions like what is the wealthy affiliate about before they join. They want to know if it's legit or a scam. It is an online-based university for people who want to learn how to make money with their own websites.
If you're reading this review then it tells me already that you're interested in making money online. Maybe you've been Googling and YouTubing for information on how to set up a business online.
Maybe you have a website already and you're struggling with it. Either way, you've come to the right place if you're looking for a legitimate and honest overview of Wealthy Affiliate.
Table of Contents
What is the Wealthy Affiliate?
It's an internet based training school to learn about building an online business with websites of your very own. Ever wondered what it's like to have your own website?
I think most people would enjoy it if they knew how to make one. Now anyone can learn how to make a website with Wealthy Affiliate and the best thing is it's free to join.
An Overview of Wealthy Affiliate
Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Price: Free Starter Account / $49 Per Month for Premium Account
Owners: Kyle & Carson
Alexa Rank: 14,613 (at time of writing)
Recommended: Absolutely (Because it's Free to Start!)
Read My Full Wealthy Affiliate Review if You Want to Learn How to Make Money Online...
Learn all you need to know about making money on the internet
Who is Wealthy Affiliate For?
Wealthy Affiliate is for anybody who is serious about starting a make money online website from home or anywhere with internet access. It is for teens still at school who fancy themselves as entrepreneurs. (Better than playing computer games all day, right?)
It's for retirees looking for extra income on top of their pension. It is for those who are sick and tired of having a boss. It's is for the unemployed who can't find a job.
It is for disabled people unable to work a regular job. It is for stay home moms (and dads). You could be someone who suffers from agoraphobia and you don't like leaving the house! It is for complete newbies, people who've never used computers or the internet.
It is for people tired of wasting time on social media. It is for those looking for a new hobby. It is for those wishing to spread the word about something they are passionate about. It's for intermediate and advanced home business owners. Like I said, anyone who wants to do it can do it.
There's a Lot to Learn at Wealthy Affiliate
There's a lot you can learn by networking with all of the members at Wealthy Affiliate. Bricks and mortar business owners can get help to drive more customers to their offline business. It is for those wanting to learn about search engine optimization (SEO). As you can see, the list is long.
Who is Wealthy Affiliate Not Suitable for?
Wealthy Affiliate is not for scammers looking to make a fast buck off the backs of honest people. It is not for lazy people unwilling to exert any type of effort. It is not for those who are not serious about making money online.
How Long Does it Take to Make Money at The Wealthy Affiliate?
I wrote a post which tries to give an honest answer to that question and you can read it here.
Training Overview
Much of the training (the most important stuff) comes in the form of step by step tutorials. With a brand new, freshly installed WordPress website handed to you (you decide the domain name) you will be taken step by step through the entire process from adding plugins and themes and how to write your first ever blog post.
The training is designed so that a complete and utter beginner can have a niche website of their own within a couple of lessons. Of course, once you have your website the hard work comes in adding your own unique, quality content and then the process of driving traffic (visitors) to your website will begin. No visitors means no business. Wealthy Affiliate, of course, takes you through all of those
Tools Overview
The most beneficial tool I will tell you about is the keyword research tool. This tool is absolutely necessary for you to learn because with each blog post (article) you add to your site there is a process called keyword research that everyone must learn.
It's easy to use and of course, full training on how to use it is laid out in video tutorials. It's quite easy actually. When you hear the words keyword research, it sounds quite daunting, I know.
It really is made so simple you cannot go wrong. I was petrified of it for at least a week when I tried it out. There was no need to be.
Support Overview
As with any website you'll eventually run into problems with a plugin or a theme. Your website is the most important element of your online quest.
If you ever run into difficulties with your site you can contact site support at Wealthy Affiliate and they're are fast to respond. They know too well that they have to fix things quickly.
What they usually do is "roll back" your site and recover from a backup that was automated and your site will be back again. The error that happened will be gone and they'll tell you what the issue was so that you don't have another issue that recurs.
What's the Cost to Join Wealthy Affiliate?
There are two price points at Wealthy Affiliate. Of course, there is the one I mentioned which is for anyone wanting to get going. This is free. The free membership includes enough for you to see that it works and that you aren't going to get scammed out of money.
The premium membership price point is $49 a month. Now let me tell you what you get for that $49 a month. You will get the ability to have 10 dot com domains hosted all inclusive for that money. To be honest, I can't imagine you even needing more than one domain.
But if you require it, you can get 10 hosted dot-com or dot-org sites. If you're a newbie I recommend you only concentrate on one site at a time. You don't want to get bogged down with 10 sites right off the bat.
Learn with one site first before you branch out into other niches. When you start making decent money then I suggest reinvesting those profits on improving your business.
This is when you could start outsourcing writing for another website you want to create. There are huge benefits in the premium price. But for this review, I'm concentrating on getting you a free membership
I will let Wealthy Affiliate sell itself once you're on the inside. I couldn't cover all of the benefits of the premium membership here anyway unless I wrote a 20,000-word review. Watch how easy it is to build a website with Wealthy Affiliate, check out this video here.
Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth Joining?
Only if you're seriously wanting to learn how to create an online business from scratch. Yes, it is absolutely worth it. Don't expect to start making money quick. Since there is a free starter membership option then it makes it even more worthwhile joining up.
You lose nothing if it's a free membership. Maybe you've been scammed online with these so called gurus who sell push button systems that really do not work. If so, then you're going to love Wealthy Affiliate's free membership.
Wealthy Affiliate Pros & Cons
Nothing is perfect in life, there is no such thing as perfection. Wealthy Affiliate is not perfect either, and I'll cover why in a moment. First I will tell you what is great about it and then I'll tell you what's not so great.
The Pros
- Simplified step by step training to get you started
- Video tutorial training, classroom training and courses
- Thousands of helpful community members
- Free keyword research tool
- 13 Full and interactive classrooms
- 24 hour live interactive help
- 2 Free WordPress websites
- Modern, fast and secure hosting
- Industry experts & millionaires who step in to help
- Strict spam free environment
- FREE to get up and running (no catches and no strings)
- Ability to ask questions and get professional advice in minutes if you get stuck
The Cons
- Too many newbies making out they know it all, giving bad advice. Always double check!
- Too much in terms of training resources (too much choice is a bad thing in my opinion)
- Can be overwhelming when you first join (stick at it, as that will pass)
- It takes time and effort to actually really start making money
- Live Chat can scroll too fast, leaving one of your questions unseen
My Final Verdict of Wealthy Affiliate
Wealthy Affiliate is the ultimate in online business training. Nothing else compares. I would highly recommend the Wealthy Affiliate training, hosting, support and the community to anybody serious enough about starting a real online business.
The free membership alone beats the socks off any competition out there, barring none. No credit cards required. Just a name and email address is required to signup. I'm guessing you have a name and email address. If so, you're ready to rumble.
Read My Full Wealthy Affiliate Review if You Want to Learn How to Make Money Online...
Learn all you need to know about making money on the internet
Thanks for reading about the Wealthy Affiliate online business training school. I'll keep you posted on any updates about WA in the comments section.
Drop me a line below if you have any specific questions or worried about Wealthy Affiliate. I'll get back to you. I hope you took away a lot of valuable information from my review here today. Take care!
I'm Jim. Read more about me and this website here.

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away… Jim got a chronic case of sciatica and lost his job. However, Jim used this opportunity to learn how to build websites with WordPress and then to make money online. Jim wants to help you do the same, while helping you to avoid the plethora of scams. Let Jim help you earn your first $1000 online from home. Cheers and see you soon!
This was a very informative article.
I struggled for a long time, trying to figure out an easy way to build a website. I was not opposed to spending a bit of money, my only fear was that it would not work out the way I had planned.
I have signed up as a member of Wealthy Affiliate and I could not be happier.
Hello there Kev, my youngest brother’s name is Kevin.
I’m glad you’re liking it at Wealthy Affiliate
hit me up inside WA, my username is bobtosh
Thanks for dropping in on my site.
This is a very well explained and documented website. I like the fact it’s so informative and easy to understand. Wealthy Affiliate is full of information and there’s always something new to learn. I love your ‘how to embed a you tube video clip’, it’s just what I’ve been waiting for to add to my site. Thank you so much and well done!
Hi there Bettina!
Glad you like the youtube tutorial. It’s easy, isn’t it?
Be sure to follow the training to the letter at Wealthy Affiliate, stick with a nice simple WordPress Theme and keep writing your content. Don’t forget your keyword research also. Very important. Wealthy Affiliate provides all the tools you will ever need to find success, but it takes your hard work and dedication to pull it off.
Thanks for dropping by, come again soon.
All I can say is that Wealthy Affiliate has been the best thing for me, learning so much in a short period of time. Thanks for mentioning Google Adsense, I haven’t got there yet but must check it out! Great info, thanks.
I’m not entirely sure that I’ll be adding google adsense to this site or not. We’ll see in the future and only if I can be sure that what they’re advertising on my site is suitable for my readers.
Thanks for dropping in Bettina!
I’m a current Wealthy Affiliate member and I can tell you it’s totally worth it. I only joined a month ago and I already have a website setup and even started getting some ad revenue come in from Google Adsense. That’s in only a month! There’s so much training material inside and the community is so helpful. If you have any questions they’re right there to help you along the way. You learn so much here and the resources are great. They’ve been around for just over 10 years now and they’re constantly growing. Just wish I knew about them earlier!
Hello Yaki,
I’m glad you’re finding Wealthy Affiliate is useful. That is quick to start making money with adsense. I don’t have adsense on any of my sites yet, but it is worth thinking about in the future.
Thanks for dropping in, my username on Wealthy Affiliate is bobtosh, look me up! We’ll connect and exchange ideas.
There will be a price rise soon at Wealthy Affiliate. The cost for a premium member will soon rise to $49 from $47. If you’re lucky enough to be reading this at the time of publishing, get in there quick to take advantage of the $47 deal.
It’s still a steal at $49 or even $99 a month.